How to Refer a Student to the Counseling Center:

  1. Talk to the student promptly and in private when neither of you is rushed. Avoid interruptions.
  2. State the reasons for your concern gently and honestly. Avoid making assumptions.
  3. Listen carefully and be nonjudgmental. Imagine how you would feel to be in the student’s shoes.
  4. Instill hopefulness and a positive attitude in resolving the problem. Assure the student of availability of resources and of people who want to help. Restate your concern and suggest the Counseling Center; explain that you do not have the expertise to help with all of their problems.
  5. Reassure the student that it is normal and healthy to pursue counseling, and that no problems are too big or too small for a visit to the counseling service.
  6. Let them know that counseling is confidential.
  7. Even if the student refuses a referral, that student may decide to follow up on it at a later time. Do not let this decision have a negative effect on that student's relationship with you.  
  8. In emergency situations it may not be appropriate to wait for intervention.  In such cases you can consult with our staff by calling 256.824.6203. In some cases you may also want to inform the Dean of Students of your concerns. This can be done via the Person of Concern Referral or by visiting the Charger 360 page.


*Remember that counseling is a personal choice. Staff, faculty, or parents cannot make appointments for students. However, they can call or email the Counseling Center to notify us once they have had a conversation with the student and referred them to the Counseling Center.  The following links may be useful to you as you research a plan of action: