Payment Methods

  • We accept the following payment methods
    • Cash
    • Personal Checks
    • Money Orders
    • Cashier's Checks
    • Traveler's Checks
    • Electronic Checks (eCheck)
    • Credit/Debit Cards from the following providers: Visa, MasterCard, Discover/NOVUS, American Express

A non-refundable 2.85% service fee will be added to all credit/debit card payments to offset processing fees charged by credit card companies.

A non-refundable 3.95% service fee will be added to all international credit/debit card transactions.

There is a $3.00 minimum fee for all credit/debit card transactions.


Please make all checks/money orders payable to The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). All checks are to be drawn in U.S. dollars for payment of tuition and other fees. Federal law prohibits the use of business checking accounts.

Payment Options

There are four options to make payments for tuition and fees:

  1. Online
    • Access MyUAH here.
    • Enter Charger ID and password
    • Under Student Records, select the Student Account link to make payment in full or sign up for an Installment Payment plan through Flywire

  1. Mail
    • Mailed payments must be received (not post marked) by the payment deadline to be considered on time.
    • Do not send cash through the mail.
    • Include  student A-number.
    • Mail your direct check payments or 529 payments to the following address:
      (Do NOT include Scholarship or Third Party payments)

      University of Alabama Huntsville
      PO Box 11407

      Birmingham, AL 35246-6564

  2. In Person
    • The Bursar’s Office is located at the Student Services Building, Room 123.
    • Hours are 8:15am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday.
    • Please have student A-number ready for the cashier

  3. Drop Box
    • Payments can be placed in the secure drop box adjacent to the Bursar's Office windows
    • Include student A-number on the check/money order
    • Do Not place Cash in the drop box