the campus police department of U A H pose for a group photo with patrol cars and assistance dogs in front of Morton Hall

Resources at UAH

  • Emergency and Non-Emergency Phone Numbers
    • EMERGENCY:  6911 from Campus phones
    • EMERGENCY:  256.824.6911 from any phone
    • Non-Emergency:  256.824.6596
  • Title IX: Support services for issues involving discrimination, discriminatory harassment, and sexual misconduct.
  • UAlert: UAH's emergency notification system
  • RAVE app: virtual escort (put UAH police as contact), report suspicious activity, help with a click of a button
  • Police Escort: Faculty, staff, and students who feel unsure about their safety while walking on campus may request a security escort. A police officer will typically provide this service. This is for on campus locations only and is not to be misconstrued as a taxi service. It is intended for those that have a genuine concern for their personal safety. You may request a walking escort by contacting UAHPD at (256) 824-6596
  • Tornado Safety

Other Resources

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Any links to external websites are provided as a courtesy. They should not be construed as an endorsement by UAH of the content or views of the linked materials. If you have had a good experience with other resources or find broken links, please contact us at