The Global Professional Pathways Certificate (GPPC)
The Global Professional Pathways Certificate (GPPC) allows you to
combine your chosen field of study with a world languages program that is
shorter than a major or minor. It’s made to fit into your degree plan!
The certificate helps you integrate cross-cultural communication into your
future profession and provides you with invaluable skills to advance your
career. GPPC students gain intermediate or higher language skills and
cultural awareness, and have the opportunity to explore careers in their
field of interest through a portfolio project.
Students may choose French, German, Russian, or Spanish as their
focus language. Japanese may also be available depending on
course offerings.
The GPPC also gives students a chance to pursue experiential learning
abroad opportunities. GPPC students are strongly encouraged to study or
intern abroad to earn some of their 200 or 300-level WLC credits.
Certificate Requirements (16 credits)
There are two tracks for the GPPC depending on the student’s program of
1) For WLC Majors, Minors, and students taking Japanese
- WLC 101 Introductory Foreign Language I
- WLC 102 Introductory Foreign Language II
- WLC 201 Intermediate Foreign Language I
- WLC 202 Intermediate Foreign Language II
- GS 200 Global Systems and Cultures
- GS 450 Global Professional Portfolio (1 credit hour)
2) For Non-WLC Majors taking French, German, Russian, or Spanish
- WLC 101 Introductory Foreign Language I
- WLC 102 Introductory Foreign Language II
- WLC 201 Intermediate Foreign Language I
- WLC 202 Intermediate Foreign Language II
- WLC 3XX One 300-level WLC course
- GS 450 Global Professional Portfolio (1 credit hour)
Rules and Procedures for the GPPC
- All WLC coursework must be in the same language.
- Students must have an average of B or higher in WLC classes and earn at least a B in GS 450.
- A minimum of three of the GPPC courses must be taken at UAH.
- Certificate students who place via testing into WLC 102 or 201 are eligible for 3-6 hours of departmental credit to be applied to the certificate once they have passed the higher-level course. Post-Baccalaureate students are not eligible for departmental credit.
- Students placing higher than WLC 201 via placement testing must take additional WLC courses to ensure that they meet the required credit hours. For this reason, advanced students are encouraged to consider a major or minor instead of, or in addition to, the certificate.
- Native speakers cannot earn a certificate in their native language but are welcome to pursue a major or minor in their language or a certificate in a different language.
- The total number of credit hours (16) for the certificate must be fulfilled.
No hours may be waived, and course substitutions must be approved by
the WLC department chair.
- Since the Certificate is not a Major or Minor, it does not presuppose GER/Charger Foundations courses or any other coursework prior to the Certificate sequence. Therefore, it can also be earned as a post-Baccalaureate certificate. Standard UAH admission procedures for degree-seeking students apply.
- Students must declare their intent to pursue the certificate with the WLC department and with their college advisor to have it added to their program of study. Sign up here with the WLC department: WLC Certificate Intent Form.
- Students must apply for an audit of their certificate courses prior to graduation. This should be done at the same time that the student applies to graduate and receive an official degree audit.
For more information, contact Dr. David Johnson at
Other Courses
WLC 204: International Cinema
International Cinema is a requirement for world languages and FLIT majors, but it is also a popular humanities elective for students across the UAH campus. The course is taught in English and includes films from our four major languages —- French, German, Russian, and Spanish —- as well as films from non-Western cultures all over the world, including Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Various world languages faculty members teach the course and bring to it their own expertise and thematic approaches. Recent course themes include gender and sexuality, the Other, and memory, mourning, and desire. WLC 204 is available during the academic year in a traditional course format, and online during the 10-week summer session. Contact our department to find out more.
WLC 199S: Introduction to Medical Spanish
The Department of World Languages and Cultures offers a one-semester Introduction to Medical Spanish course to serve nursing and pre-health students as well as language students who are interested in working in interpretation and translation. The course has no prerequisites and is open to students from the novice level through the intermediate level (WLC 202S). Students in the course receive a foundation in basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary and learn to complete tasks associated with routine medical care: collecting personal information and medical history, asking about patient complaints and symptoms, conducting a physical exam, and giving medication instructions and health-related advice. Contact Dr. Leslie M. Kaiura for more information.