UAH Testing Services assists our Online Learning Programs with testing facilities and information. Online Instructors Remote Online Students Local Online Students Alternative Testing to Respondus Monitor Instructions for Faculty Students have the option to select an alternative to testing online with Respondus Monitor. If they choose to, you will need to provide them with all of the test dates that will utilize Respondus Monitor at least three weeks prior to the first test. The student will be responsible for arranging to take the exam(s) in the Testing Center or with a qualified monitor. Students cannot be penalized for using an alternative. Instructions for Students Follow these instructions if your instructor utilizes Respondus Monitor and you object to its use. Inform your instructor and obtain all of the test dates at least three weeks before the first exam. Make the appropriate arrangements with Testing Services If you are a Madison County resident, follow the directions for Local Online Students. If you reside outside of Madison County, follow the directions for Remote Online Students.