Written by: Jim Steele February 1, 2024 Graduate master’s student Zachary White works with a plasma and electric engine experiment at the Johnson Research Center. Michael Mercier | UAH University students studying in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields can apply immediately for paid summer internships in plasma physics funded by Future Technologies & enabling Plasma Processes (FTPP), a University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)-managed statewide effort to fund, develop and commercialize plasma research and the high-tech workforce it requires. Interested students will find complete details and application forms. The deadline for applications is Feb. 18. Internship opportunities include: The Regional Introduction to Plasma Physics (RIPP) summer internship is a nine-week program where undergraduate students can select a research project and work with an FTPP faculty member. This internship is available to students at various partner schools, including UAH, ASU, AU, USA and UAB. Students will gain experience in plasma research and interact with industry experts. The Corporate Internship Plasma Training in Alabama (CIPTA) is a 10-week program that provides students at FTPP partner institutions with experiences in plasma technology applications at private companies. Both undergraduate and graduate students from various disciplines are eligible for the program. The South Eastern Research Experiences (SE REU) for Undergraduates is a program catered to undergraduate students enrolled at HBCU institutions across the Southeast. Selected interns will be enrolled in a quality REU program at one of partner universities (UAH, UAB, ASU). The goal is to engage a diverse, educated and skilled pool of scientists and engineers to promote long-term relationships between students and investigators to enhance the Alabama workforce. The International Space Weather Camp is an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to work with students and faculty internationally from UAH, the South African National Space Agency and the German Aerospace Center. The camp aims to teach students about space physics and its impact on modern society. It also promotes personal, professional and cultural connections. FTPP is a five-year, $20 million National Science Foundation (NSF) Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) grant that funds a statewide coalition of nine universities and a research corporation. FTPP aims to transition plasma research into agricultural, manufacturing, space science, space weather prediction and other applications, establishing Alabama as a Southeastern regional hub for plasma science expertise and creating thousands of high-paying technical careers in the state and region. Learn More College of Science Future Technologies & enabling Plasma Processes (FTPP) National Science Foundation (NSF) Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Contact Kristina Hendrix 256-824-6341 kristina.hendrix@uah.edu Elizabeth Gibisch 256-824-6926 elizabeth.gibisch@uah.edu