Written by: Ann Marie Martin May 8, 2023 The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) has launched a new high-school-to-college transition program for eligible incoming freshmen who plan to major in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) fields. Applications are now open for the Rocket Booster Summer Bridge Program, to be held July 10-21 on the campus of UAH, a part of The University of Alabama System. The two-week program aims to increase the number of students who successfully complete STEM baccalaureate degrees at UAH. It is funded by a grant from the Alabama Commission on Higher Education through the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund, a federal funding stream through the U.S. Department of Education. Participants will live in on-campus housing for the two weeks, including a weekend, and attend three mini-courses so they can experience college life firsthand. Participants will also have opportunities for personal and professional development through workshops and field trips to local employers as well as have a little fun. To apply, students must meet these basic requirements: Be admitted to UAH. Indicated they would major in a discipline in the College of Engineering or College of Science. ACT of 24 or 3.5 high school GPA in math, science and English. In addition, applicants must be part of at least one of the following groups: Attended a Title I high school. Not taken any AP science or math courses. Not taken calculus. First-generation college student. Pell Grant eligible. Underrepresented race or gender in STEM. “Studies show that bridge programs work,” says Dr. Sharifa Love-Rutledge, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry. “Previous work within the Alabama Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation Program (ALSAMP) has shown that UAH’s program is impactful with greater than 80% retention and graduation rates of our program scholars.” According to Dr. Michelle Greene, director of UAH’s Enhanced Teaching & Learning Center and a lecturer in chemistry, “We’ll help the students learn how to take notes, how to manage their time, how to form a study group. The expectations on a student outside a college class are very different than outside a high school class.” “We want to give our promising students the best chance of succeeding in STEM courses and going on to work in STEM fields,” says Dr. Love-Rutledge. To apply for the Summer Bridge Program or for more information, visit uah.edu/etl/summer-bridge. Have questions? Email rocketbridge@uah.edu. For more information about ALSAMP, email alsamp@uah.edu or visit https://sites.google.com/uah.edu/uahalsamp/home. Learn More College of Science College of Engineering Rocket Booster Summer Bridge Program Alabama Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Program Contact Kristina Hendrix 256-824-6341 kristina.hendrix@uah.edu Elizabeth Gibisch 256-824-6926 elizabeth.gibisch@uah.edu