On Saturday April 21st, the UAH Charger Rocket Works team will be competing in the NASA sponsored University Student Launch Initiative (USLI) competition. The purpose of this competition is to give college students the opportunity to design, build, and launch a high powered rocket with a scientific payload to a target altitude. On Saturday, about 50 college teams from all over the country will be in Huntsville to launch their entries for final scoring.

UAH Charger Rocket Works 2011-2012
This year, Charger Rocket Works has engineered one of the smallest and fastest entries into the USLI competition, an boosted dart rocket. This rocket will carry a scientific payload which will take atmospheric measurements as well as capture HD video of the flight. At slightly under 7 pounds, this rocket will accelerate to over 500 MPH in 0.7 seconds, in just 300 feet.
This launch will be taking place approximately 15 miles North of Huntsville at Bragg Farm in Toney, Alabama. Teams will begin launching rockets at 8:00am and continue through the afternoon. more information on the schedule of events are in this launch NASA brochure.
This event is open to the public, so please, come out, have some fun, and support your fellow engineers!
The UAH Charger Rocket works is sponsored by the Alabama Space Grant Consortium and the UAH Propulsion Research Center. Students develop design, fabricate, and build their rocket in conjunction with a two course senior design sequence in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UAH. Their instructor is Dr. David Lineberry and their faculty advisor is Dr. Robert Frederick.