We are very proud to announce that 34 UAH student researchers will be representing our university at the upcoming 63rd International Astronautical Congress to be held in Naples, Italy from October 1-5. These students have been selected by the International Astronautical Federation to give 42 oral presentations and 5 poster presentations in the full technical sessions of the regular congress. This is a great accomplishment that recognizes the hard work of the individual students, and also highlights the high-quality faculty-student collaborative research and scholarship that our university provides for students who want to "go the extra mile."
The following students will be traveling and attending the congress from September 28 until October 6. During this time, they will be interacting with attendees of the single largest meeting of aerospace professionals, representing government, academia, and the private sector. The strong student and young professional component to this conference makes it an exceptional opportunity for these students to bring visibility and exposure to their research, as well as a chance to learn and interact with fellow students, leading researchers, heads of space agencies, and CEOs of major aerospace firms.
Alcorn, John
College of Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Anderson, Eric
College of Science
Becnel, Eric
College of Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Becnel, Mark
College of Engineering
Bergstue, Grant
College of Science
Optical Engineering
Brenton, James
College of Science
Casagrande, Henrique
College of Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Choi, Jaewon
College of Science
Cottam, Tamara
College of Engineering
Ellenburg, Walter (Lee)
College of Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Flores, Africa
College of Science
Freiderich, Kerianna (Bowman)
College of Science
Fry, Emma
College of Liberal Arts
Public Affairs
Giddens, Patrick
College of Engineering
Hatcher, Richard
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Helms, Williams
College of Engineering
Computer Engineering
Herdy, Claire
College of Science
Keller, Shari
College of Engineering
Industrial System Engineering
Laughmiller, Micah
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Owens, Amanda
College of Business
Business Administration
Parlett, Amy
College of Engineering
Percy, Thomas
College of Engineering
Phillips, Melanie
College of Science
Rodencal, Matthew
College of Engineering
Rodriguez, Mitchell
College of Engineering
Saliashvili, Salome
College of Business
Schoukroun, Lucas
College of Engineering
Searcy, Brittani
College of Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Setayesh, Brandon
College of Engineering
Shine, Samantha
College of Engineering
Industrial System Engineering
Stanic, Milos
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Thomas, Josiah
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Traum, Jeremy
College of Engineering
Yi, Angela
College of Engineering
If you have questions, please feel free to contact:
Dave Cook
Coordinator of Student Research Programs
Office of Vice President for Research
University of Alabama in Huntsville
301 Sparkman Drive, B20 Von Braun Research Hall
Huntsville, AL 35899
Ph: 256.824.5705
Fx: 256.824.6783