Here are some useful resources from around the internet and some that I've developed. Scientific Writing How to write a scientific poster - from Cornell Center of Material Research How to write a journal paper (short version, original paper) - from Robert Day How to give effective scientific talks - from University of Wisconsin-Madison Verb tense in scientific papers - from AJE Zotero- Free reference and paper citation manager Plasma Journals Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (IOP) Physics of Plasmas (AIP) Plasma Sources, Science, and Technology (IOP) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (IOP) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (IEEE) Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (AVS) Physics Letters A (Elsevier) Physical Review E (APS) Combustion Journals Combustion and Flame (Elsevier - Combustion Institute) Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (Elsevier - Combustion Institute) The Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (Elsevier - Combustion Institute) Combustion Science and Technology (Taylor Francis) Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer (AIAA) Journal of Heat Transfer (ASME) Propulsion Journals Journal of Propulsion and Power (AIAA) Journal of Spacecrafts and Rockets (AIAA) Acta Astronautica (Elsevier - International Academic of Astronautics) Frontiers in Space Technologies - Space Propulsion Journal of Electric Propulsion Relevant Conferences AIAA SciTech Forum IEEE Internatioal Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) APS Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting APS Gaseous Electronics Conference AVS International Symposium International Electric Propulsion Conference