The proposal length should not exceed five (5) double-spaced pages, excluding the cover sheet, the budget pages, and the curriculum vitae. The proposal should maintain one-inch margins and use Times New Roman font at 12-point size. In the interest of fairness to all faculty members, any proposal exceeding the page limit or not conforming to the margin and font requirements will be returned without review. All proposals must follow the format given below:
A. Cover Page
- Title of Project
- Name of PI and associated department and/or research center
- Name of CO-I and associate department and/or research center
- UAH Invention Disclosure or Copyright Disclosure Reference Number and Title (Contact Becky England at for this information)
B. Background Information
- What is the invention?
- Why was it created?
- What need does it address?
- How does it address the need?
- What might be claimed in a patent?
- Summary of the current state of the technology (players in the industry or competitors)
C. Statement of Work
- What will be done with the CIF Fund Award?
- Describe the proposed work and time frame to complete the work.
- It is the responsibility of the PI to ensure all applicable regulatory approvals are obtained prior to award (animal & human subject, etc).
D. Marketing
- How will this work make the invention or technology more marketable?
- Are there any companies currently interested in taking license to this technology?
- Could this be a startup opportunity?
E. Budget Requested by Category
The budget must be appropriate for the project. Budget will be prepared by the Office of Sponsored Programs, and justification with appropriate level of detail to allow for an informed evaluation of your proposed budget. This justification should not exceed one page. To be helpful, some guidelines for constructing the budget are given below.
- Salaries, Wages and Fringe Benefits: The PI may apply funds in the budget towards his/her salary. Funds may also be used to support salaries and wages for individuals other than the faculty member if their work is critical to the completion of the innovation project by the faculty member (provided this is addressed in the budget justification). Typical examples are: graduate and undergraduate student support required in the acquisition, development and preparation of research materials and data, machine shop time, and equipment operation assistance. Administrative and graduate student tuition support is not covered. (There is no cost share of tuition.)
- Innovation-related Equipment/Instrumentation: Any equipment/instrumentation acquired under the grant is owned by the University. Normally, at the end of the project, any equipment purchased will become property of the department to which the grantee is assigned. All purchases for equipment must be supported in the proposal relative to need for accomplishment of the proposed effort. Requests for purchase of equipment not justified and required for accomplishment of the specific project objective and proposed plan will not receive approval.
- Innovation-related Operating Expenses: Please break out the total operating expenses necessary to complete the proposed activities into the appropriate categories.
- Travel: Funds are not provided for attendance at professional meetings but are available for travel required to complete the innovation project. Justification of travel and explanation of its role in accomplishing the project must be included in the proposal.
F. Curriculum Vitae