UAH professors discuss new trend eating out vs eating at home May 22, 2015 It happened this year for the first time ever: Americans spent more money in restaurants and bars than in grocery stores, according to a recent article published by Yahoo! News. ... UAH nursing students present at NSNA Annual Convention Apr 17, 2015 12 nursing students and 2 nursing faculty members attended the 63rd National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) Annual Convention in Phoenix, Arizona, April 7-April 11. Pictured above from from left to right. Front row: Amanda Schrenk, Bethany... Nursing Honors Convocation Apr 08, 2015 Pictures from the 2015 Spring Nursing Honors Convocation. Dr. Pam O'Neal. Dr. Lenora Smith. Dr. Ann Bianchi and Dr. Ellise Adams. Kimberly Herold, Brook Stewart,Paige Stephenson, Kelly Baugher, and Micole Stringfellow.... College of Nursing contingent represents UAH at national conference Apr 13, 2015 UAH was well represented at the Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS) Conference held this past February in Saddlebrook Resort in Tampa, Fla. Six faculty members and two students attended the 29th annual event, whose theme was "Conducting Resear... UAH’s College of Nursing hosts first annual Student Nurses Leadership Summit Mar 24, 2015 The Alabama Association of Nursing Students (AANS), a state constituent chapter of the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA), presented its first-ever Student Nurses Leadership Summit from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 14. The event, wh... 2015 Service Awards Mar 18, 2015 Each year The University of Alabama in Huntsville recognizes the service of long-term faculty and staff through the Employee Recognition Program. The College of Nursing award recipients for 2015 are: Ten Years Kristen Herrin Marlena Primeau Dar... UAH’s nursing outreach program a benefit to all Mar 12, 2015 When a patient is readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge because they failed to receive adequate care, it's known as an avoidable readmission. And unfortunately it happens more frequently than it should, particularly among medically... UAH, CCI sponsor Be The Match® drives in memory of Leslie Vallely Mar 10, 2015 To those who have been lucky enough to find one, a bone marrow match has been compared to winning the lottery. The statistics of finding a match break down like this: every four minutes in the U.S., someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer, that's ... UAH’s “Let’s Pretend” hospital celebrates 30 years Mar 10, 2015 Let's Pretend Hospital is a first grade field trip like no other. The unique education program began 30 years ago by the UAH College of Nursing and Huntsville Hospital to help reduce the fear and anxiety that may accompany a hospital visit or a tr... Save A Life...Be The Match Mar 09, 2015 The Cure Looks Just Like You! March 31st & April 1st UC Exhibit Hall and College of Nursing. ... 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24