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Refereed Publications
U.S. Patents
U.S. Patents Pending
Conference Papers and Abstracts

Publications Generated by NMDC Investigators Between 2006 and 2009

Refereed Publications
1 R. Adato and J. Guo, "Modification of dispersion, localization, and attenuation of thin metal stripe symmetric surface plasmon-polariton modes by thin dielectric layers" Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 105, p. 034306, 2009.
2 J. Guo and R. Adato "Control of 2D plasmon-polariton mode with dielectric nanolayers," Optics Express, vol. 16, pp. 1232-1237, 2008.
3 Alaeddin Abu-Abed, Robert Lindquist, "Capacitive Transduction for Liquid Crystal – Based Sensors: Part II," IEEE Sensor Journal, Vol. 8, No.9, pp 1557-1564, (2008).
4 Alaeddin Abu-Abed, Robert Lindquist, "Capacitive Interdigitated Sensor with Inhomogeneous Nematic Liquid Crystal Film," Progress in Electromagnetic Research B, Vol. 7, 75-87, (2008).
5 Shadi A. Alboon and Robert G. Lindquist "Flat top liquid crystal tunable filter using coupled Fabry-Perot Cavities," Optics Express, Vol. 16, Issue 1, pp. 231-236 (2008).
6 S.M. Sadeghi and W. Li "Coherently Controlled Multi-Functional Active Optical Filters " IEEE J. Quantum Electronics in press (2008)
7 S.M. Sadeghi and W. Li "Inversionless distributed feedback semiconductor lasers: Ultranarrow linewidth and immunity against spatial hole burning" J. Appl. Phys. vol.104 014507(2008)
8 S.M. Sadeghi, "Semiconductor quantum templates: bottom-up design of optical devices and photonic circuits using sub-nanoscale high monolayer features and quantum optics " Nanotechnology vol.19 085203(2008)
9 Y. Xi, X. Li, S.M. Sadeghi, and W.-P. Huang "Dispersive-grating distributed feedback lasers" Optics Express 16809 vol.16 No.14 (2008)
10 S.M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li and W.-P. Huang "Functional photonic superstructures: Coherent formation of active-passive photonic band gap heterostructures and photonic subbands" Phys. Rev. B 77 125313(2008)
11 E.A. Wadell, S. Sheeves, H. Carrell, C. Perry, B. A. Reid, J. McKee, " Surface modifidication of Sylgard 184 polydimethysiloxane by 254 nm eximer radiation and characterization by contact angle goniometry, infrared spectroscopy, atomic force, and scanning electron micrscopy," Applied Surface Science, Vol. 254, no. 17, pp. 5314-5318 (2008).
12 E.R. Haley, G. Collins, and D.J. Coe "The Wonderful World of Wiki: Benefits Students and Instructors" IEEE Potentials, Vol. 27, No. 2, March/April 2008, pp. 21-26.
13 D.J. Coe "A Review of Boundary Value Analysis Techniques" CrossTalk, Vol. 21, No. 4, April 2008, pp. 19-22.
14 D.J. Coe "Improving Consistency of Use Case Points Estimates" CrossTalk, Vol. 21, No. 3, March 2008, pp. 8-12.
15 J.M. English, D.J. Coe, D. Hyde, R.K. Gaede, and J. Kulick, "MEMS-Assisted Cryptography for CPI Protection," IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 5, issue 4, July-August 2007, pp. 14-21.
16 R. Adato and J. Guo "Characteristics of ultra-long range surface plasmon waves at optical frequencies," Optics Express, vol. 15, pp. 5008-5017, 2007.
17 A. Abu-Abed, R. Lindquist, W.-H. Choi "Capacitive Transduction for Liquid Crystal – Based Sensors: Part I," IEEE Sensor Journal, Vol. 7, No.12, pp 1617-1624, 2007.
18 Y. Chen, S.M. Sadeghi, and W.-P. Huang "Valence band mixing effects in the exciton capture and escape in quantum well structures" J. Appl. Phys. 102 093716 (2007)
19 W. Li, S.M. Sadeghi, "Asymmetric coherent photon tunneling filter in an optical waveguide structure" Optical and quantum electronics, vol.39 773(2007)
20 S.M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W.-P. Huang"Tunable infrared semiconductor lasers based on electromagnetically induced optical defects", IEEE Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (special issue on semiconductor lasers), vol.13 1046(2007)
21 S.M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W.-P. Huang"Purely loss-coupled distributed feedback lasers based on electromagnetically induced absorption in active photonic band gaps", Phys. Rev. A 75 063829(2007) [Cited in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology Vol.16, issue 2 July 9(2007)
22 Y. Chen, S.M. Sadeghi, and W.-P. Huang "Exciton-state mixing effects in photoinduced intersubband transitions in quantum-well structures" Phys. Rev. B 75 233409(2007)
23 S.M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W.P. Huang, "Destruction and enhancement of photonic band gap and coherent localization of optical fields in functional photonic crystals" J. Appl. Phys.101 123107 (2007)
24 J. Guo, R. Adato, "Extended long range plasmon waves in finite thickness metal film and layered dielectric materials," Optics Express, vol. 14, pp. 12409-12418, 2006.
25 J. Guo, R. Adato, D. J. Brady, "Single shot sub-pixel response measurement with an aperture array pixel mask," Optics. Letters, vol. 31, pp. 3341-3441, 2006.
26 S.M. Sadeghi "Spatial modulation of electromagnetically induced transparency in quantum wells using monolayer growth islands'" IEEE Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (special issue on Nanophotonics), vol.12 p.1275 (2006)
27 S.M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W.-P. Huang, "Photonic electromagnetically induced transparency and collapse of superradiant modes in Bragg multi-quantum well photonic band gaps," Physical Review B74 (Rapid Communication) p.161304(R) (2006) [Cited in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology Vol.14, issue 18 Oct.30(2006)
28 S.M. Sadeghi W. Li, X. Li, W.-P, Huang, "Coherently tunable mid-infrared distributed feedback lasers", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol.42, p.752 (2006)
29 S.M. Sadeghi X. Li, W. Li, W.-P, Huang "Purely gain-coupled distributed feedback laser via a bright optical lattice", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 88, p.211111(2006) [Cited in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology Vol.13, issue 23 June 12 (2006)
30 S.M. Sadeghi W. Li, X. Li, W.-P, Huang, "Optical switching of one-dimensional photonic band gaps and coherent generation of dark and bright optical lattices in quantum wells", Phys. Rev. B73, p.035304(2006) [Cited in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology Vol.13, issue 2 January (2006)
31 D.J. Coe, J.M. English, T.J. Kaiser and R.G Lindquist, "Model of a MEMS sensor using a common gate MOSFET differential amplifier", Journal of Physics D, Applied Physics, Vol. 39, pp 4353-4358, 2006.
32 D.J. Coe, J.M. English, T.J. Kaiser and R.G Lindquist, "Design of a MEMS Accelerometer using an Integrated Common Gate Differential MOSFET Amplifier", Sensor Letters, Vol.4, 1-7, 2006.
33 J.A. Carlson, J.M. English, and D.J.Coe, "A Flexible, Self-Healing Sensor Skin," Smart Materials & Structures, vol. 15, issue 5, October 2006, pp. N129-N135.
U.S. Patents
1 W. Sweatt, J. D. Williams, "Laser Remote Sensing of Backscattered Light from a Target Sample," US Patent No. US 7,336,351 B1, Feb. 26, 2008.
2 G. A. Vawter, W. J. Zubrzycki, J. Guo and C. T. Sullivan, "Integrated resonant micro-optical gyroscope and fabrication," U.S. patent no. 7,106,448, issued on Sept. 12, 2006.
U.S. Patents Pending
1 X.G. Peralta, I. Brener, J. O’Hara, A. Azad, E. Smirnova, R. D. Averitt, J.D. Williams, "Terahertz Metamaterials," U.S. patent application No. 12/262,422, October 31, 2008.
2 J. D. Williams, W. Sweatt, "Method to Fabricate a Tilted Logpile Photonic Crystal," US Patent applied for, June 2007. Sandia Tracking No. SD7220
3 L. O. Sillerud, D. P. Adams, J. D. Williams, T. M. Alam, A. F. McDowell, and N. L. Adolphi "Biological Detector and Method," U.S. Patent Application No. 11/894,597, August 21, 2007
Conference Papers & Abstracts
1 R.K. Sarverstani, J.D. Williams, "Application of Pulse Frequency to Control the Nano Grain Size of Gold Plated Thin Films "ICCE-17, Honolulu, HI. (2009).
2 J. Guo and R. Adato, "Engineering surface plasmon-polariton with hetero-dielectric layers," SPIE Annual Meeting, August 15-19, 2008, San Diego, CA, USA.
3 J. Guo and R. Adato, "Engineering Surface Plasmon-Polariton with Hetero-Dielectric Nanolayers for Ultra-Long Range Propagation, Anomalous Dispersion, and Nanoscale Confinement," Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA) Topical Meeting, July 13-16, 2008, Boston, MA, USA.
4 J. Guo and R. Adato, "Ultra-low loss surface plasmon optical waveguides," DOE Epscor workshop, July 22-24, 2008, Oak Ridge, TN, USA.
5 H. S. Leong, J. Guo, Y. Lin, and R. Lindquist, "Enhanced surface plasmon resonance biosensor with nanostructure metamaterials" Alabama EPSCoR Annual Conference, July 22-24, 2008, Montgomery, AL, USA.
6 R. Adato and J. Guo, "Surface plasmon polariton propagation in hetero-dielectric layered structures," Huntsville Electro-Optical Society Chandra S. Vikram Memorial Conference, February 28, 2008.
7 R.K. Sarverstani, J.D. Williams, ""Alabama EPSCoR Conference, Montgomery Alabama, July 21 2008
8 G. Papadopoulos, et.al, "Air Entrainment Studies for a Supersonic Micro Ejector System," ASME Fluids Engineering Conference, Jacksonville Fl. (2008).
9 X. G. Peralta, et.al, "Flexible, Large-Area Metamaterials Fabricated on Thin Silicon Nitride Membranes," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2008), paper CFY4.
10 X. Peralta, et.al, "Terahertz metamaterials on Thin Silicon Nitride Membranes," MRS Spring Meeting # 1077-L07-18 (2008).
11 R. Adato and J. Guo, "Novel metal-dielectric structures for guiding ultra-long-range surface plasmon-polaritons at optical frequencies," Proc. SPIE, vol. 6641, 2007.
12 J. Williams, et.al, "LIGA Fabricated Photonic Crystals for the Mid-IR," PECS VII 2007.
13 S.M. Sadeghi, X. Li and W.-P. Huang, "Coherent control of multiple quantum well active photonic band gaps via infrared dressing of superradiant excitons, ",SPIE Optics and Photonics, August 26-30,2007 San Diego, USA
14 W. Li S. M. Sadeghi, X. Li and W.-P. Huang, "Functional photonic band gap structures based on electromagnetically induced transparency in the conduction intersubband transitions of quantum wells" SPIE Optics and Photonics, August 26-30,2007 San Diego
15 Abu-Abed, A.; Lindquist, R.G.; Jovanov, S.; Jovanov, E.; Jun Namkung; Abbott, N., "Capacitive Based Liquid Crystal Chemical and Biological," SensorsIEEE Sensor 2007 Proceeding, Atlanta Georgia,Page(s): 1040-1043(2007)
16 Alaeddin Abu-Abed and Robert Lindquist, "Capacitive Transduction in Partially Disordered Systems: Application to LC-Based Biosensors," IEEE SAS 2007 Proceedings, San Diego, CA, 2007. ( 3rd Place Best Student Paper)
17 A. D. Portnoy, N. Pitsianis, D. J. Brady, J. Guo, M. A. Fiddy, M. R. Feldman, and R.D. DeKolste, "Thin digital imaging system using focal plane coding," Proc. SPIE, vol. 6065, 2006.
18 J.D. Williams, C. Arrington, W. C. Sweatt, D. W. Peters, I. El-Kady, A. R. Ellis, J. Verley, F.B. McCormick, "Tilted logpile photonic crystals using the LIGA technique," Proc. SPIE 6289, p. 62890A (2006).
19 Schmidt CF, Sweatt WC, El-Kady I, F.B. McCormick, D.W. Peters, S.H. Kravitz, J.C. Verley, U. Krishnamoorthy, D. Ingersoll, W.G. Yelton, G. Subramamia, J.D. Williams, "New Infrared photonic lattice coating," Proc. SPIE 6289, p. 628916 (2006).
20 F. B. McCormick, J. G. Fleming, S. Mani, M. R. Tuck, J. D. Williams, C. L. Arrington,H. Kravitz, C. Schmidt, G. Subramania, J. C. Verley, A. R. Ellis, I. El-kady, D. W. Peters, M. Watts, W. C. Sweatt, J. J. Hudgens, "Fabrication and Characterization of Large-Area 3-D Photonic Crystals," 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, VOLS 1-9 :1820-1827 (2006).
21 J.A. Palmer, J. D. Williams, T. Lemp, T. M. Lehecka, Francisco Medina, R. B. Wicker, "Advancing Three-Dimensional MEMS by Complementary Laser Micromanufacturing," Proc. SPIE 6109, p. 61090A (2006).
22 S.M. Sadeghi, X. Li and W.-P. Huang, "Coherent Photonic Lattices Formed by Active Nanostructures", Nanophotonics Topical Meeting, April 26-28 2006, Uncasville, Connecticut, USA
23 S.M. Sadeghi W. Li, X. Li and W.-P. Huang, "Coherently Controlled Time Delay Line and DFB Laser Based on a Single Electromagnetically Induced Photonic Band Gap Structure", Integrated Photonic Research and Applications Topical Meeting, April 24-26 2006, Uncasville, Connecticut, USA
24 Y. Chen, S.M. Sadeghi, and W.-P. Huang "Low Saturation Design of Nonlinear Electroabsorption Devices", Integrated Photonic Research and Applications Topical Meeting, April 24-26 2006, Uncasville, Connecticut, USA
25 W.-P. Huang, S.M. Sadeghi, and W. Li, "Coherently controlled photonic band gap and its applications in optoelectronic devices", Great Lakes Photonics Symposium June 12-16 2006, Dayton, Ohio USA

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