UAH's Distinguished Speaker Series presents noted philosopher Phyllis Rooney


Feminist philosopher Dr. Phyllis Rooney will be the guest speaker for the Department of Philosophy's Distinguished Speakers Series on Friday, Aug. 26.

Photo Courtesy of Oakland University

Noted feminist philosopher Phyllis A. Rooney, will be the guest speaker for The University of Alabama in Huntsville's (UAH) Distinguished Speaker Series on Friday, Aug. 26.

The UAH Distinguished Speaker Series is co-sponsored by the UAH Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost. The talks are free and open to the public.

Rooney will give the lecture "Adversarial Argumentation and Diversity," at 7 p.m., in the Union Grove Gallery (adjacent to the UAH Conference Training Center).

Dr. Phyllis A. Rooney is Professor of Philosophy at Oakland University in Rochester, MI. She has published numerous books and papers in feminist epistemology, the area of feminist philosophy that specifically examines questions about the nature of knowledge. In addition, she has specific research interests in feminist critiques of reason. Her acclaimed paper "Gender Reason: Sex Metaphor and Conceptions of Reason," was republished in the Hypatia 25th Anniversary Retrospective Virtual issue.

Her publications include An Ambivalent Ally: On Philosophical Argumentation and Diversity, Marginalization of Feminist Epistemology, Philosophy, Adversarial Argumentation, and Embattled Reason, and Gendered Reason." Rooney is a recipient of the prestigious Phyllis Law Googasian Award (2015). The award recognizes individuals who have made contributions to the improvement of the status of women on campus. Rooney earned a PhD from The University of California (Berkeley).

For more information about Rooney's visit to campus, please contact Dr. Deborah Heikes, UAH Department Chair of Philosophy, at:


UAH Department of Philosophy