NAAL Reciprocal Access The Network of Alabama Academic Libraries (NAAL) has begun a Reciprocal Access program that will allow participating academic libraries across the state of Alabama to share some access with students, faculty, and staff of other campuses whose libraries also participate. This means, for instance, that students at UAH will be able to access materials at other participating libraries and students at those campuses will be able to access materials at The M. Louis Salmon Library. Make note: this will generally mean in-person, on-campus access so travel will be required. NAAL describes the program as such: NAAL’s Reciprocal Access program is a voluntary agreement between participating NAAL institutions to allow access to library buildings and services for currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff of participating institutions. To see which libraries and campus participate besides UAH, see: UAH Patrons Accessing Other NAAL Library Collections Each campus will have its own policies for NAAL patrons. See the list at the above link to find out if the campus you are interested in is currently part of the agreement. It is recommended that you contact their library to learn more about their policies, guest hours, and availability. Optimally, you would want to do this before traveling to the library in case there are additional steps. If you need a Salmon Library librarian to assist you, email us at or call the Research Help Desk at 256.824.6529 and we will be glad to offer help. NAAL Patrons Accessing the Salmon Library Collection Students, bring a copy of the current semester's transcripts and a photo ID. Faculty & Staff should bring a copy of their campus ID or other proof they are currently employed. Access will be granted through the end of the current academic semester but may be renewed. NAAL patrons will be able to check out 5 books at a time for 28 days. They will also be able to access computers on the campus to see the Salmon Library's electronic resources. The books must be returned by the date due. Interlibrary Loan is also available as an option if you would prefer not to travel. To do this, see your campus library and request the book(s). Guest Hours for the M. Louis Salmon Library are from 9am [or opening, if later] until 8pm [or 15 minutes before close, if the library closes earlier than 8pm]. Guests will not be required to leave at the end of this time, but will not be allowed re-entry after this time. Guest users must abide by all library and campus policies, including temporary/emergency guidelines as may be instated. Guest users must check in at the User Services Desk in the library lobby. Guests may be asked to leave at any time due to violation of library, campus, or these specific guest policy rules. Off-Campus Access At this time, the library cannot offer off-campus access to its digital/online materials, even to Alumni. If you need to look up information off campus, you can use our library catalog or you can use the Alabama Virtual Library. If you questions about these materials, you may contact us for research assistance, but to access the materials you will need to be on campus. Tours and More Information If you would like more information, contact the Research Help Desk [(256)824-6529 or or in person] and we can arrange a tour or discuss what is available at the library.