Digital Initiaves Lab Location The Digital Initiatives Lab (DIL) is located in Library 222. Using the Lab Contact or call (256)824-6523. You can schedule an appointment in the lab @ Overview Digital Initiatives is an outgrowth of the digital preservation and project expertise of the faculty, staff, and students in the Archives and Special Collections Department. The primary goal is to create a collaborative space where librarians can work with faculty, staff, and students to produce a broad variety of digital projects. This will expand the capacity for digital scholarship at UAH and allow more opportunities for students and faculty to learn new digital skills and create digital projects which will be stored and curated long-term by the Salmon Library. This work can manifest itself in a variety of ways, but all require a synergy of the appropriate tools, knowledge, and skills to be successful. In addition to a concept, digital initiatives has a workspace on the second floor of the Salmon Library. The Digital Initiatives Lab (DIL) is a unique and creative space where the Archives, Special Collections and Digital Initiatives team works together or cooperatively with faculty, students, and staff on a variety of digital projects. Some of the uses of this space include: A space to record video or audio oral histories, with technologies to index the digital files using OHMS and to upload the digital files to our Omeka based oral history collection. Technology to convert a variety of analog audio and video media to digital form. Examples include Super 8, VHS, reel to reel audio, and cassette tapes. Workspace to host undergraduate and graduate student digital scholarship, including internships, RCEU projects, and classroom projects. A teaching and learning space to train one to twelve active learners in digital scholarship methods. A workspace to create digital or physical exhibits on a variety of scholarly topics. A learning lab to create digitally deliverable lesson plans and learning resources. Collaborative space for faculty and staff to work with library faculty to envision and create digital scholarship. Read more at the Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initatives Libguide.