Charger Prints is our campus wide printing system powered by Wēpa. It expands your options to print by allowing you to print from your computer, from your device, from your cloud storage, or through a convenient web app (with more options coming soon!). You can pick up your prints from any of several locations around campus (including a Charger Prints kiosk in the library). First Time Users The first time you use a Wēpa workstation, you have the option to either printing as a guest or signing in through your campus account. If have not attached your Wēpa account to your campus account, you will need to click on the "Don't have a Charger Card" option which will allow you to sign in with your campus account (the first option on the left). You can skip this and just print as a guest, but attaching this to your account speeds up the process in the future. You can also sign in through the website (see towards the bottom of this page) and that will also allow you to attach it to your campus account. During this first time, you will be asked to generate a six-digit PIN. It can be anything you choose. If you forget the PIN, later, you can remove it from your Wēpa account page. It is optional to connect to your Cloud Drive accounts, but you also have that option at this time. Locations on Campus You can use this Google Map to find the locations on campus. You can see the status of the various Charger Prints workstations by using Wēpa's Location Finder. Just enter "Huntsville, AL" to search. Ways to Print Traditional Download the Wēpa drivers to your computer and install. Then all you have to do is choose Wēpa as your printer while printing the document. You can then pick up the document at a Charger Prints Kiosk. Cloud Go to the Wēpa kiosk you prefer and then log into your cloud storage through the kiosk to select a document for printing. Web Go to, and from there you can upload your documents and choose "send to Wēpa". Mobile You can install the Wēpa app for iOS or the Wēpa app for Android and then open the app, chose your school, and submit a print job to be picked up at a Charger Prints Kiosk. Email Using the email tied to your Wēpa account, email your documents to USB Insert your USB device at any Charger Prints Kiosk and choose the document for printing. Cost to Print $0.08 per page, Black and White $0.16 per double-sided page, Black and White $0.36 per page, Color $0.69 per double-sided page, Color Ways to Pay Charger Prints Kiosks will accept Flex Dollars, Wēpa account, and Credit/Debit Card*. You can load money unto your Wepa Account via (log into your account and then "Deposit Funds"). See "Account Screen", below. Logging into Wēpa's Online Account To log into the Wēpa Account Page you can go to and then click on login in the upper right corner. From there you will get two ways to login, through your school or through your personal account. Technically, both can work though logging into through the school integrates your Wēpa payment with your Charger Card and allows you to swipe your Charger Card to login (also, you cannot use your campus email to make a non-affiliated account). Click on the School drop down menu and navigate to "University of Alabama in Huntsville" (or enter Huntsville as a search term to narrow down results). Once you select that you will be navigated to our Single Sign On page and can log into your campus account and from there proceed to your Wēpa account. Wēpa Account Screen From your Wēpa account screen, you can do a number of things such as Deposit Funds (including from Paypal); upload documents; link your account to Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and other cloud storage accounts; and see previous print jobs. Note: Most of this functionality can be accessed from the Charger Prints workstations themselves. *Note: A fee will be added to your transaction for use of a Credit/Debit Card.