
(architect's illustration of the new construction, as taken from the article below)

You may have noticed the construction going on near the library. For those curious as to what is going on, a recent article, $16 million invention center at UAH will influence future generations, explains it:

[The] D.S. Davidson Invention to Innovation Center [I²C] will not only be a classroom for students at UAH but for businesses seeking new starts or a window to new ideas. "Right here, future generations of Alabamians will innovate and create," [Alabama Governor, Kay] Ivey said. "Who knows what they might come up with?" [Dorothy] Davidson donated $5 million to the project that she said will someday shift the nation's focus from California to Alabama on matters of technology and new ideas.

A UAH News post, Ground is broken for D.S. Davidson Invention to Innovation Center at UAH, adds a number of other details: 

"The I²C space combines three interconnected elements: shared workspace, co-working community, and collaborative co-creation," says Rigved Joshi, who oversees strategy, programming, partnerships, and day-to-day operations at the center. "I²C facility and programs will support entrepreneurs on building scalable, investable, high-growth, technology-focused businesses that will serve as catalysts for economic development and regional innovation."

For those who want to keep an eye on UAH and the Huntsville area, this is something to watch.

Note: the construction will impact those who are on foot trying to get to and from the Salmon Library. A map is included below. Be safe and plan accordingly. 
