Ryan Ramkhelawan AREA Of EXPERTISE: CONCEPT VALIDATION, PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT / INTEGRATION, STARTUP OPS, CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT, VENTURE FINANCE, FOUNDER DRIVEN SALES STRATEGIES, BOARD AND INVESTOR DYNAMICS Contact 301 Sparkman DriveHuntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map Biography Ryan is a serial startup founder turned venture development professional. After taking two medical device startups through FDA, market entrance, to scale and one to exit he joined Start Co. as Director of Acceleration in 2018 and was promoted to VP of Venture Development in 2020. He is responsible for early collaboration between startups and corporate partners in a variety of industries, internal & external business accelerators, innovation scouting services and teaching lean startup principles. Other areas of responsibilities include: development of new products and services, founder coaching / mentorship and networking between startup ecosystems across the globe. In addition, he is an experienced medical device executive with over 15 years of clinical experience in perioperative services, organ transplantation and human tissue dissection. His business and clinical accomplishments allowed him to become a founding member of the Forbes Technology Council and a member of the Young Entrepreneur Council. Also, he received recognition as Top 40 Under 40 by the Memphis Business Journal and The National Vascular Recognition Award for the longest saphenous vein recovery without surgical error in the nation. View LinkedIn Profile