M.L. is built on mutual respect of the individuals involved. Mentoring relationships require a major commitment and responsibility on the part of the mentor and mentee to increase the chances of a successful relationship. There are critical skills and/or competencies for a successful mentoring relationship. In addition, it is essential to have a process framework that outlines expectations for individuals participating in M.L.. The following outlines the eligibility and responsibilities expected of both the mentor and mentee participating in the program: Successfully complete the application, screening, and interview procedure. Willing to adhere to all I²C policies and procedures. Agree to a one-year commitment to the program. Commit to spending a minimum of 2-4 hours of mentoring sessions per month. Keep mentoring appointments as scheduled. Attend and participate in I²C trainings, events, activities, workshops, pitch events, etc., as required. Maintain confidentiality of information shared in mentoring sessions. Willing to communicate regularly with the I²C staff and submit evaluation form on a quarterly basis. Have a clean criminal history. Have never been accused, arrested, charged, or convicted of child abuse or molestation. Not be a convicted felon. Not be a user of illicit drugs. Not use alcohol or controlled substances in an excessive or inappropriate manner. Not be currently in treatment for substance abuse. Not currently be under treatment for a mental disorder or have been hospitalized for a mental disorder in the past three (3) years. Not have falsified information during the course of the screening process.