
The Center for Collaborative Learning is pleased to announce the Collaborative Learning Fellow Awards. These awards are designed to promote the inclusion of collaborative learning methods and practices in all University courses. The awards are intended to support the work and materials needed to introduce collaborative learning activities into existing courses.


Any full time faculty member or team of faculty members may submit a proposal. Special consideration will be given to faculty members or teams of faculty members teaching 300 level courses that are required within a major. These courses are the focus of Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 QEP activities. Faculty members can propose any type of in-class or out-of-class collaborative activity. In a brief proposal, the applicant will briefly describe the collaborative learning plan, the perceived resource needs, and the projected outcomes.

Collaborative Learning Fellow Awards

The Collaborative Learning Advisory Committee (CLAC) will meet after the closing submission date to review the proposal. The awards will be for $1,500. Funding awards will be placed in an incentive account.

Reporting and Obligations

The Collaborative Learning Fellows (CLFs) will attend an initial workshop at the beginning of the award period, participate in two CLF meetings, and provide a brief two to five page report on the project activities at the end of the award period. The reports at the end of the period will be shared on the Collaborative Learning Center web site. CLFs can use the resources of the CLC and will participate in the assessment of the collaborative learning initiative as described in the University’s QEP.

Review of Proposals

The CLAC represents all of the Colleges of the University and evaluators of proposals may not be familiar with specific course content. Therefore we ask you to write your proposals in a fashion that can be understood by individuals outside your discipline. The content of the proposals should be easily understood by the committee.


The proposal should include the following

  • Project name
  • Target course or courses
  • Project participants
  • Brief biographies of involved faculty including department affiliation
  • Distribution of Award (for applicant teams; note that only one award will be granted for the team)
  • Proposal description (not to exceed two pages) of the collaborative learning plan, the perceived resource needs, and the projected outcomes.


Proposal must be submitted no later than 11:00 pm on March 20, 2017. Proposal should be sent to Dan Rochowiak ( Awards will be announced on or before April 14, 2017.


Dan Rochowiak