The Enhanced Teaching & Learning Center is your resource!

Our academic technologies, instructional design, and classroom technologies teams are here to help if you need assistance. Learn more about our support areas below. Contact the Help Desk (256.824.3333; for any training or support requests. Please be prepared to share the following information:

  • Your Full Name
  • Charger ID
  • Contact Information
  • General Description of the Problem or Training Required

Academic Technologies

The ETLC’s team of academic technologists maintains up-to-date instructional software, trains faculty and staff on the usage of supported technologies, and troubleshoots technical issues. Supported technologies include Canvas, Zoom, Panopto, Turnitin, PointSolutions (Clickers), Respondus LockDown Browser, and Respondus Monitor.  A complete list of supported technologies, as well as a list of resources by topic, can be found on the Training & Resources page.

Instructional Design

Instructional design is a developmental process that uses pedagogical frameworks, project management, subject matter expertise, and technology to build effective learning materials and environments. The ETLC’s team of instructional designers work with faculty to develop strategies, materials, and online courses for their teaching. All UAH faculty are encouraged to take advantage of instructional design services.

Classroom Technologies

The ETLC’s team of classroom technicians supports and maintains 100+ technology equipped classrooms across the UAH campus that allow users to project, record, and communicate remotely. A standardized list of software is installed on instructional computers in addition to the basic Windows programs. For security and legal purposes, all other software installed on classroom machines must be approved. You can see what software is already approved and learn more about the software evaluation process on our External Tools page.