Dr. Earl Wells Professor, ECE Contact 301 Sparkman DriveEngineering BuildingRoom 217JHuntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map 256.824.6047wellsbe@uah.edu Biography Dr. Wells' research focus is to exploit concurrency in its various forms to improve the performance, real time responsiveness, reliability and energy consumption of computationally-intensive applications through the intelligent utilization of modern commercially-available system hardware and software. Curriculum Vitae Education Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, The University of Alabama, 1992 M.S., Electrical Engineering, The University of Alabama, 1988 B.S., Electrical Engineering, The University of Alabama, 1983 Honors & Awards IEEE Outstanding Educator Award 2013 (IEEE Huntsville Section) Best Paper Award 2005, International Symposium of Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems (co-authors Zexin Pan, Jaunjo Nogurera) Best Paper of Session Award 2001, 20th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (co-author Sin Ming Loo) Expertise High-Performance Multi-core and Clustered Computing GPU-Accelerated Computing FPGA-based Reconfigurable Computing Real-Time, Embedded, and Distributed Computing Recent Publications "Using Bottom-up Techniques in a Digital Hardware Design Laboratory to Better Facilitate Experiential Learning," B. Earl Wells, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS'15), July, 2015. "Physical processes in an electron current layer causing intense plasma heating and formation of x-lines" Nagendra Singh, Igor Khazanov, and B. Earl Wells, Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 22, pp. 052117, 2015. "Rule-based multiple-target tracking in acoustic wireless sensor networks," Youngwon Kim An, Seong-Moo Yoo Changhyuk An, and B. Earl Wells, Computer Communications, Vol. 51, pp. 81-94, 2014. "Noise Mitigation for Multiple Targets Tracking in Acoustic Wireless Sensor Networks," Youngwon Kim An, ChangHyuk An, Seong-Moo Yoo, B. Earl Wells, peer reviewed paper #1569930201 IEEE Military Communications Conference, Baltimore, MD. October 6-8, 2014. "UAH OnTrack: Precision Navigation System for Research on The Software Safety Issues of Positive Train Control," Scott Schiavone, Sjohn Chambers, Sunny Patel, Lee Ann Hanback, David J. Coe, Jason Winningham, B. Earl Wells, George Petznick, and Jeffrey H. Kulick, Proceedings of The 2014 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A. July 2014. "Applying a Genetic Algorithm to Reconfigurable Hardware using a Traditional HDL Approach" Jessica Mintz and B. Earl Wells, University of Alabama in Huntsville, 36th Annual SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference, University of Alabama in Huntsville, March 24 - 25, 2012.