Dr. Jason Cassibry

Professor, MAE


5000 Technology Drive NW
Olin B. King Technology Hall
Room S231
Huntsville, AL 35899
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Dr. Jason Cassibry is a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and affiliated with the Propulsion Research Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. His research includes the theoretical and experimental study of magneto-inertial fusion for applications to advanced propulsion for interplanetary space travel and terrestrial power. Specific research areas include 3D modeling of these plasmas using smooth particle hydrodynamics, modeling of the coupling between plasma accelerators and external circuits, and pulsed z-pinch fusion, shock compression of solids and plasmas, and pulsed power.

Dr. Cassibry has seventeen years past the PhD in numerical modeling of magneto-inertial fusion and electric propulsion. He is the PI of the Charger Advanced Propulsion and Power laboratory, studying z-pinch fusion of lithium deuteride, and pulsed magnetic nozzles. He has developed and taught graduate level courses in fusion propulsion, electric propulsion, numerical methods in magnetohydrodynamics, smoothed particle hydrodynamics, and aerothermodynamics. He is the graduate advisor for the UAH Aerospace Engineering Program.

Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2004
  • M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois in Urbana/Champaign, 1999
  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Missouri in Rolla, 1997

Honors & Awards

  • University of Alabama in Huntsville Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year for the College of Engineering, 2021.
  • AIAA Best Paper by the AIAA Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion Technical Committee (2nd author), AIAA 2014-3520 "Developing the Pulsed Fission-Fusion (PuFF) Engine" (awarded April 2014)
  • SciQuest 2013 Quest for Excellence Award in the area of Academia, August 2013.
  • Konrad Dannenberg Educator of the Year Award, May 2013, in recognition by the Greater Huntsville Section of AIAA of outstanding service to education and promotion of math and science within the community.
  • UAH Distinguished Research Award, May 2010, in recognition of outstanding contributions in research. Award is competed among all faculty.
  • Outstanding Junior Professor for College of Engineering, February 2010, in recognition of outstanding contributions in both research and teaching as an assistant professor.


  • Magneto-Inertial Fusion for Advanced Propulsion and Power Production
  • Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics

Recent Publications

  • Taylor, B., J. Cassibry, and R. Adams. 2020. “Ignition and Burn in a Hybrid Nuclear Fuel for a Pulsed Rocket Engine.” Acta Astronautica 175 (October): 465–75.

  • Thompson, Seth, Cassibry, Jason, “2D Modeling of Fusion Ignition Conditions for a Multilayer Plasma Liner MagnetoInertial Fusion Target in a Cylindrical Configuration,” Phys Plasmas 27, 022701 (2020).

  • Schillo, K., Cassibry, J., “Effects of initial conditions and transport on ram pressure, Mach number, and uniformity for plasma liner formation and implosion,” Phys Plasmas 27, 042707 (2020)

  • S. Thompson, J. Cassibry, “Effects of propagation distance and half angle on the merging of hypervelocity plasma jets,” Phys Plasmas, 26 (5): 052701.

  • J. Cassibry, B. Winterling, K. Schillo, “Pulsed Magnetic Nozzle for Fusion Propulsion,” J. of British Interplanetary Society, 71, pp.119-125

  • K. Schillo, J. Cassibry, et al., “Suite for Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic Code Relevant to Spherical Plasma Liner Formation and Implosion,” ASME J. of Nuclear Rad Sci, 5(4).

  • Cortez, Ross; Cassibry, Jason, “Stopping Power in D6Li Plasmas for Target Ignition Studies," Nuclear Fusion, 58 (2), p. 026009, 2018.

  • M. Rodriguez, J. T. Cassibry, “A Three-Dimensional Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Model of Electrode Erosion.,” IEEE T Plasma Sci, 45 (11), November 2017, pp. 3030-3037.

  • R. Agnew, J. T. Cassibry, B. Winterling, “Analytic Model to Estimate Thermonuclear Neutron Yield in Z-Pinches Using the Magnetic Noh Problem,” IEEE T Plasma Sci, 44 (10), October 2016, pp. 2181-2189.

  • J. Cassibry, et al., “The Case and Development Path for Fusion Propulsion,” J Spacecraft Rockets 52 (2), pp. 595–612 (2015).