Dr. Ramón Cerro Professor Emeritus, CME Contact 301 Sparkman DriveEngineering BuildingRoom 117Huntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map ramon.cerror@uah.edu Biography Dr. Cerro's professional experience includes technical Director Heavy Water Project, National Research Council/Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina. As well as Director of INGAR, in the Institute for Development and Design of the National Research Council of Argentina and Registered Professional Engineer, State of Oklahoma. Dr. Cerro is a member of numerous societies like American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Member of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, Argentina Society for Research in Chemical Eng. and Applied Chemistry and Founder Member of the Argentina Society for Engineering Education. He is currently Professor and graduate advisor of Chemical Engineering at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Dr. Cerro has graduated 9 Ph.D. and 10 MS and is currently supervising several graduate students. Dr. Cerro has taken part in the writing of numerous scholarly publications and books. Some of these are: Material Balances for Chemical Engineers written together with B. Higgins and S. Whitaker used as class notes for an undergraduate level course in chemical engineering. Also Boundary Layer Theory: Approximate Solutions and Techniques, for Volume 3 of Series C of AICHEMI series Transport Phenomena amongst many others. Education Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of California at Davis, 1970 M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of California at Davis, 1968 B.S., Chemical Engineering, University del Litoral, 1965 Expertise Gene Function & Expression Embryogenesis Physicochemical Hydrodynamics Coating Flows Wetting Contact Lines Langmuir-Blodgett depositions. Heat and Mass Transfer Processes: Protein separations by chromatography. Recent Publications Milena Vega, Eva Martin del Valle, Ramon L. Cerro and Miguel A. Galan, Understanding the creation of adsorption-elution of proteins in affinity chromatography, XXX, X (2012) Mariano Martin, Miguel A. Galan, Ramon L. Cerro and Francisco J. Montes, Oscillating bubbles, hydrodynamics and mass transfer, A review. Bubble Science, Engineering and Technology, 3 (2011) 48. Elena Diaz, J. Fuentes, R. L. Cerro and M. D. Savage. Hysteresis during contact angle measurement. J. Colloid Interface Science 343 (2010) 574. E. Diaz, J. Fuentes, R. L. Cerro and M. D. Savage. An analytical solution for a partially wetting puddle and the location of the static contact angle. J. Colloid and Interface Science, 348 (2010) 232. B. Ward, J. Guo and R. L. Cerro. Optical Metamaterials based on Langmuir-Blodgett Ultrathin Films. Proceedings of the Conference on Metamaterials and Non-linear Materials, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL. April 4-5, (2007). J. Fuentes and R. L. Cerro. Surface Forces and Inertial Effects on Moving Contact Lines. Chem. Engineering Science 62 (2007) 3231. M. A. Raikar, E. Diaz, M. Torriggiani, R. L. Cerro, J. Milton Harris, S. E. Rogers, J. Eastoe, J. Gomez del Rio and D. G. Hayes. Three-Component Microemulsions Formed Using pH-Degradable 1,3-Dioxolane Alkyl Ethoxylate Surfactants, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 301 (2007) 394. E. Diaz Martin, R. L. Cerro, J. Montes and M. A. Galan Non-Ideal Adsorption of Divalent Cations on a Langmuir Monolayer: A theoretical model for predicting the composition of the resulting Langmuir-Blodgett films. Chemical Engineering Journal, 131 (2007) 151. E. Diaz Martin, J. Montes and R. L. Cerro. Surface Potentials and Ionization Equilibrium in Y-type Deposition of Multiple Langmuir-Blodgett Films: II. Theoretical Model. J. Colloid and Interface Sci., 285 (2) (2005) 694. E. Diaz Martin and R. L. Cerro. Surface Potentials and Ionization Equilibrium in Y-type Deposition of Multiple Langmuir-Blodgett Films: I. Effect of pH and Counterions. J. Colloid and Interface Sci., 285 (2) (2005) 686.