Dr. Anuradha (Anu) Subramanian

Professor, CME


301 Sparkman Drive
Engineering Building
Room 117
Huntsville, AL 35899
Campus Map



Anu Subramanian received her B.Tech (CHME) degree from Nagpur University, India, M.S. (CHME) from the University of Iowa, Iowa City and Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute-Blacksburg, VA. Her research interests span cross-cutting themes in materials, separations, biotechnology and bioengineering with focus on modeling of biological phenomena.

Her current research focus resides in the design and development of bioprocessing technologies to enable the large scale culture of stem cells and their biomedical applications. She is also interested in developing novel biomedical applications of low-intensity-ultrasound by combining modeling and experimentation.

Personal Website


  • Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, 1994
  • M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City. 1989
  • B. Tech, Chemical Engineering, Nagpur Universty, Nagpur, India, 1985

Recent Publications

  • Miller, A. Subramanian, A, Viljoen, HJ. 2017. Frequency sensitive mechanism in low-intensity ultrasound enhanced bioeffects. PLoS ONE. Aug 2017 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0181717.

  • Miller, A. Subramanian, A, Viljoen, HJ. 2017. Theoretically Proposed Optimal Frequency for Ultrasound Induced Cartilage Restoration. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling. Oct 2017.

  • Miller, A. Subramanian, A, Viljoen, HJ. 2017. A nonlinear model of cell interaction with an acoustic field. J. Biomechanics. May 3;56:83-88. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.03.007.

  • Guha Thakurta S, Sahu N, Budhiraja G, Miller A, Akert L, Viljoen, H and Subramanian A. Long-term culture of human mesenchymal stem cell-seeded constructs under ultrasound stimulation: evaluation of chondrogenesis. Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 2 (2016) 055016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2057-1976/2/5/055016.

  • Louw, T., Budhiraja, G., Viljoen, H.J., and Subramanian, A. Mechanotransduction is frequency dependent under the cavitation threshold. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2012 Oct;38(10):1734-43 (2012).

  • Subramanian, A., Turner, J. A., Budhiraja, G., Guha Thakurta, S., Whitney, N.P. and Nudurupati, S. S. Ultrasonic Bioreactor as a Platform for Studying Cellular Response to Ultrasound. Tissue Engineering. 2012. DOI: 10.1089/ten.tec.2012.0199.

  • Whitney, N. P., Lamb, A.C., Louw, T. and Subramanian, A. Integrin-Mediated Mechanotransduction Pathway Of Low-Intensity Continuous Ultrasound In Human Chondrocytes. Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., pp. 1–10, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2012.06.002.

  • Guha-Thakurta, S., Miller, R. and Subramanian, A. Adherence of platelets to in situ albumin-binding surfaces under flow conditions: role of surface-adsorbed albumin. Biomed. Mater. 7 (2012) 045007 (10pp) doi:10.1088/1748-6041/7/4/045007.

  • Skotak, M., Ragusa, J., Gonzalez, D., and Subramanian, A. Improved cellular infiltration into nanofibrous electrospun cross-linked gelatin scaffolds templated with micrometer-sized polyethylene glycol fibers. Biomedical Materials. 6 (2011) 055012 (10pp) (Featured Article)

  • TerMaat, J. A., Mamedov T.G., Pienaar, E., Whitney, S.E. and Subramanian, A. Automated two-column purification of Iminobiotin and BrdU labeled PCR products for rapid cloning: application to genes synthesized by Polymerase Chain Assembly. J.Chromatographic Science., Vol. 48, pp 1-5, January 2010.

Faculty and staff can be reached at the numbers shown here. The department number is 256.824.6810 and the departmental fax number is 256.824.6839.