Please consider joining Project DIAL..


If you have ever faced challenges in supporting English Learners (ELs), or have colleagues or friends who have - please consider joining Project DIAL, a research study investigating techniques that guide educators in more effectively delivering instruction to ELs. A crucial component of the study is an audio archive of real-world classroom recordings. 

If you are a teacher in one of our partner districts (Albertville City Schools, Fort Payne City Schools, Huntsville City Schools, Madison City Schools, or Madison County Schools) and are willing to record a brief (10 to 15-minute) audio sample of your teaching - please consider joining Project DIAL! 

For your participation in the research (submitting one recording and completing a brief 10-minute survey), you will receive a $100 stipend each semester and a microphone to facilitate recording.


Interested in Project DIAL?

If you are interested in getting updates on Project DIAL activities, please complete this interest form. We will reach out with additional information as the project gets underway!