M.Ed. in Differentiated Instruction (ESOL) M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership (ESOL Track) TESOL Certificate ESOL Bundle (Undergraduate) Classroom teachers are responsible for supporting all the students in our classrooms. To be truly effective, we need meaningful support ourselves. The M.Ed. in Differentiated Instruction (ESOL), the TESOL Certificate, and the ESOL Bundle at UAH provide that support. ELs represent remarkable funds of knowledge and skills within our communities. Choosing to take this next step in your professional career means that you will be trained to differentiate instruction for ELs - and for all learners in your classroom. Information sessions Jan. 14; Jan. 23; Jan. 29 via Zoom M.Ed. Program Snapshot Format: Online Credit hours: 33 hours Time to degree: 24 months Start date: Summer Priority application deadline for the 2025 Cohort: January 15th, 2025 Estimated out-of-pocket expenses: $8604.00* *The current cost of UAH's online M.Ed. is $15,774, including tuition and fees. The DIAL scholarship covers the cost of 6 of the 11 courses. ***Complete the DIAL scholarship application by clicking here.*** M.Ed. ESOL Summer I Fall I Spring I Summer II Fall II Spring II ESL 500 ESL 510 ESL 520 ED 530 ESL 640 ED 692 ED 565 ED 540 ED 635 ED 535 ED 690 ***Complete the DIAL scholarship application by clicking here.*** Program Overview Four core courses in ESOL (ESL 500, 510, 520, and 640) ground you in the analysis of language, including a deep dive into techniques to align language and content instruction for ELs at lower proficiency levels. Five core courses in Differentiated Instruction (ED 530, 535, 540, 565, and 635) prepare you to modify instruction to meet diverse needs while maintaining high expectations for all students. Two capstone experiences (ED 690 and ED 692) pull it all together as you design your own classroom-based action research project and compile a professional portfolio of artifacts that demonstrate the skills you have gained throughout the program. For a full description of the program of study, click here. ***Complete the DIAL scholarship application by clicking here.*** M.Ed. Instructional Leadership (ESOL track) Summer I Fall I Spring I Summer II Fall II Spring II ESL 500 EDL 601 EDL 603 ESL 530 ESL 640 EDL 691 ED 565 EDL 602 EDL 604 EDL 605 ESL 606 To become a DIAL scholarship recipient you must be admissible as a graduate student to UAH. To apply for DIAL Cohort II for Summer 2025, follow these steps. Complete the DIAL scholarship application by clicking here. Receive notification of your scholarship application status within 7-10 business days. Apply for graduate admission by clicking here. Receive notification of your graduate admission status. To find out more information regarding financial aid, click here. TESOL Certificate Overview For those of you who already have a masters, we offer the option of the 18-hour TESOL Certificate, which includes the core ESOL courses in the M.Ed. and prepares you for Class A certification in ESOL. The DIAL scholarship covers 3 of the 6 courses in the TESOL Certificate. ESOL Bundle for Undergraduates The DIAL scholarship supports pre-service teachers who complete the ESOL Bundle at UAH, including tuition and fees for courses up to a total of $2,500. Although the costs for a majority of the courses will be covered through block tuition for current students, the scholarship covers in-state tuition and fees for a required summer course: ESL 400. It also covers course fees for ESL 430 and ESL 440 as well as fees for pre- and post-coursework Praxis ESOL exams. ESL 400 (3 semester hours) Policy and Practice in Educational Linguistics ESL 430 (3 semester hours) Designing Instructional and Academic Language ESL 440 (3 semester hours) Instruction and Evaluation of Language Use Course Sequence: ESL 400 (Summer) Block I or II: ESL 430 Block I or II: ESL 440 Block III: ESL 440 Interested in Project DIAL? If you are interested in getting updates on Project DIAL activities, please complete this interest form. We will reach out with additional information as the project gets underway!