English Learners need support. Teachers with English Learners need support. Project DIAL is that support. Designing Instruction for Academic Literacies (DIALTM) intensive training takes place Summer 2024. Secondary content teachers analyze the language of their classes in order to alter their instructional talk through the following training cycle: Experience Evaluate Envision Adjust Experiment Refine Why: To prepare content teachers in partner districts to communicate effectively with English Learners How: Analyze NBCT teaching videos and alter instructional talk and materials Who: Secondary content teachers in partner districts What: Intensive three-day training program When: July 22-24, 2024 (July 29-31, 2024) Where: UAH Campus (NACC) Sign-up for DIAL Training! For questions about DIAL Training, please email dial@uah.edu. Interested in Project DIAL? If you are interested in getting updates on Project DIAL activities, please complete this interest form. We will reach out with additional information as the project gets underway!