2022 REU Posters are available at the links below.

Christine Carvajal: EUV Campfires Observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory in Areas of Weak Magneting Flux in Coronal Hole

Samuel Cathcart: Improving the Forecasting of Space Weather by Improving Magpy

Dakota Davis: Creating a Database of Pulsewaveforms for Scintillator-based Gamma-Ray Detectors

Makayla Frisse: Investigating Ohmic Heating as a Solar Active Region Atmosphere Heating Mechanism

Frank Hutchinson: Solar Flares in Metastable Magnetic Arches

Matthew Ryan Joyner: Particle Injection at the Mediated Shock

Allison M. Knott: Exploring the Nature of Small-scale Eruptions that Make Coronal Jets in the Sun's Atmosphere

John Riley O'Toole: Optimizing the Source Surface Height of an Empirical Coronal Model During Solar Cycle 23 Minimum Using Remote and In Situ Measurements

Tucker Quering: Development of Hybrid Plasma Simulations to Study Shock Waves Beyond the Solar System

Christina Tarsitano: Evloution of Solar Active Regions Observed by MaGIXS-1 Sounding Rocket Flight