Ms. Veronica A Belser

Research Associate V S2, CSPAR


320 Sparkman Drive
Cramer Research Hall
Room 2018
Huntsville, AL 35899
Campus Map


Veronica Belser joined CSPAR at The University of Alabama in Huntsville in October 2006 as the Staff Assistant. Veronica came to CSPAR with over twenty years of administrative experience-- ten as an administrator in an educational environment. Veronica received her degree in Business Administration from Birmingham Southern College in 1982. Since joining CSPAR, Veronica has been promoted from staff assistant to administrative assistant and is currently the program administrator for CSPAR. In 2009, Veronica was awarded The S. T. Wu CSPAR Performance Award and The UAH Foundation Staff Award for exemplary work in facilitating all aspects of the relocation of Gary Zank and his 21-member team to UAH in 2008. As the CSPAR program administrator, Veronica is responsible for managing the CSPAR office and all research programs.