Dr. Keyvan Ghanbari Research Program Manager, CSPAR and SPA Contact 320 Sparkman DriveCramer Research HallRoom 2079Huntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map 256.961.7628kg0055@uah.edu Biography Dr. Keyvan Ghanbari earned his PhD in Space Science from the Department of Space Science at UAH in 2022, concentrating on the study of corotating interaction regions within the inner heliosphere and their impact on galactic cosmic ray modulation through observations and numerical simulations. Following his graduation, he commenced his role as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant under the mentorship of Dr. Gary Zank, focusing on collisional shock structures in the local interstellar medium (VLISM). Additionally, Dr. Ghanbari led the International Space Weather Camp (ISWC). He joined the CSPAR administration team in August 2024 and is the Research Program Manager for CSPAR and SPA.