Dr. Gilmer Gary Principal Research Scientist III, CSPAR Contact 320 Sparkman DriveCramer Research HallRoom 2077Huntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map 256.961.7609allen.gary@uah.edu Biography Dr. Allen Gary received his Ph.D. in elementary particle physics in 1969 from the University of Georgia. For 25 years, he was a member of the Solar Physics Group at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)/NASA, investigating the nature of coronal structures and solar magnetic fields. For the last 13 years, Dr. Gary has been a Principle Research Scientist with the Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research Center (CSPAR) at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). He is a member of International Astronomical Union (IAU). He has published over 120 papers on the solar magnetic field's configuration, evolution, and morphology together with estimation of the energy content of active regions. His theoretical work involves developing models of linear and nonlinear force-free magnetic fields and electric currents in the solar chromosphere-corona. He has extensive experience in developing new technology and techniques for space-based, sub-orbital, and ground-based magnetographs which are the core instruments for studying the processes that give rise to solar activity in the solar atmosphere. He was a member of the National Solar Observatory's (NSO) Advance Technology Solar Telescope (DKIST) Science Working Group, National Solar Observatory from 2001 to 2010. He recently mentored a Ph. D. graduate student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department/UAH working on specific convolutional neural network problems in the area of solar physics. He is currently working with 3D printing for creating education outreach models in the area of solar physics. Curriculum Vitae Education Ph.D., University of Georgia, 1969 M. S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1964 B. S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1963 Recent Publications Forecasting Solar Cycle 25 Using Deep Neural Networks, Benson, B., Pan, W. D., Prasad, A., Gary, G. A., & Hu, Q., Solar Physics, 295, 65, (2020) Comparison of Two Coronal Magnetic Field Models to Reconstruct a Sigmoidal Solar Active Region with Coronal Loops, Duan, A., Jiang, C., Hu, Q., Zhang, H., Gary, G. A., Wu, S. T., & Cao, J., Astrophysical Journal, 842, 119, (2017) Determining the 3D Structure of the Corona Using Vertical Height Constraints on Observed Active Region Loops, Gary, G. A., Hu, Q., Lee, J. K., & Aschwanden, M. J., Solar Physics, 289, 3703, (2014) Erratum: Erratum to: A Rapid, Manual Method to Map Coronal-Loop Structures of an Active Region Using Cubic Bézier Curves and Its Applications to Misalignment Angle Analysis, Gary, G. A., Hu, Q., & Lee, J. K., Solar Physics, 289, 867, (2014) A Rapid, Manual Method to Map Coronal-Loop Structures of an Active Region Using Cubic Bézier Curves and Its Applications to Misalignment Angle Analysis, Gary, G. A., Hu, Q., & Lee, J. K., Solar Physics, 289, 847, (2014) A Small-scale Eruption Leading to a Blowout Macrospicule Jet in an On-disk Coronal Hole, Adams, M., Sterling, A. C., Moore, R. L., & Gary, G. A., Astrophysical Journal, 783, 11, (2014) Coronal Loop Mapping to Infer the Best Magnetic Field Models for Active Region Prominences, Gary, G. A., Hu, Q., & Lee, J. K., Nature of Prominences and their Role in Space Weather, 300, 416, (2014) A Small-Scale Filament Eruption Leading to a Blowout Macrospicule Jet in an On-Disk Coronal Hole, Sterling, A. C., Adams, M., Moore, R. L., Tennant, A. F., & Gary, G. A., AAS/Solar Physics Division Abstracts #44, 100.17, (2013)