As a result of guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance consistent with U.S. State Department recommendations, UAH is suspending university-sponsored travel to China for students, faculty and staff due to ongoing concerns related to the coronavirus outbreak stemming from the city of Wuhan and the Hubei Province of China. The State Department also recommends all travelers reconsider any personal trips to China.
Pre-approval of university-sponsored travel to China is required and granted only for travel that is considered essential. Students with questions about travel should contact the Office of International Services - Mona Foroughi at 256.824.6055 or Nicole Hughes at 256.824.5802. Faculty should contact the Provost’s Office at 256.824.6337. Research faculty and staff should coordinate travel with Denise Spiller at Research Security Administration at 256.824.6444.
What you should know about Coronavirus
UAH has had no cases of coronavirus, and we have not been notified of any member of the campus community with the virus.
The risk for Alabamians remains relatively low at this time, and we — along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Alabama Department of Public Health — are closely monitoring the ongoing situation. This coronavirus can cause mild illness that can be overcome, but more severe cases can be life-threatening. More information about the 2019 novel coronavirus is available on the CDC website.
Symptoms of coronavirus include but are not limited to fever, running nose, headache, cough, and the general feeling of being unwell. These are also symptoms of the common flu virus. If you have these symptoms, it is likely the common cold or a common strain of the flu. It is unlikely that anyone will be present with coronavirus at this time unless they have traveled to affected countries or had contact with someone who has (
Students experiencing any of these symptoms should call the Student Health Center at 256-824-6775. Employees should call the Faculty and Staff Clinic 256-824-2100. This is especially important if you have had any recent travel.
UAH has extensive expertise and systems in place to monitor and address possible infectious diseases. However, you should take general precautions like frequent hand washing to prevent the spread of any virus, including seasonal flu, which is still active across Alabama and the United States. If you have not received a flu shot, it is not too late. For additional advice on flu facts and prevention, visit