On November 5, 2019, The Faculty 180 Implementation Committee will conduct several training sessions for superusers, faculty, and staff on how to use the Faculty 180 system. Chris Branaman from Interfolio will be on campus to conduct these training sessions. Superusers will help faculty learn how to update their data within Faculty 180. It is important that superusers attend at least one training session. The Colleges and the Library have identified the superusers and they are listed in the email sent out to all faculty.


Faculty 180 Training for Superusers, Faculty, and Staff (Superusers please choose at least one session):

  • 0800-0910:  Faculty superusers, IT specialists from colleges and ETL, faculty, and staff.  Nursing Building room 205. Participants will need to bring laptops or use a loaner laptop from the College of Nursing during the session (only a limited number available).   
  • 1110-1220:  Faculty superusers, IT specialists from colleges and ETL, faculty, and staff. Nursing Building room 113. Participants will need to bring laptops or use a loaner laptop from the College of Nursing during the session (only a limited number available).   
  • 1600-1710:  Faculty superusers, IT specialists from colleges and ETL, faculty, and staff. Library Computer room 211. Take the elevator from the lobby to the second floor. Turn left out of the elevator, go around the corner, 211 is the second room on the left.    


Faculty 180 Training for Deans, Associate Deans, and Department Chairs:

  • 0930-1040: Academic administrators. Nursing Building room 205. Participants will need to bring laptops or use a loaner laptop from the College of Nursing during the session (only a limited number available). 


Faculty 180 Training for Administrators:

  • 1300-1600:  Faculty 180 administrators. Library Computer room 211.  Take the elevator from the lobby to the second floor. Turn left out of the elevator, go around the corner, 211 is the second room on the left.


If you have any questions regarding Faculty 180, Faculty 180 training, and/or the Faculty 180 guidance, please contact Karen Frith or Karen Freemon.

To submit an announcement, contact omc@uah.edu.
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