PY 502: Industrial Organizational Psychology (3 semester hours)
Application of basic principles of learning, motivation, and perception to typical industrial and organizational problems.
PY 503: Human Factors (3 semester hours)
Study of human performance in human-technology-environment systems. Consideration of human capabilities and limitations as related to controls and displays, and the role of human cognition in decision-making and training effectiveness
PY 505: Psychopharmacology (3 semester hours)
Introduction to drug classification and action with emphasis on physiological and psychological interactions.
PY 530: Psychometrics (3 semester hours)
History and development of psychological testing with special emphasis given to both theory and process of effective evaluation.
PY 535: Psychology and Law (3 semester hours)
This seminar is a survey of the major topics represented in the field of Psychology and Law. We will focus on how psychological research can contribute to a better understanding of issues related to law.
PY 537: Stress and Illness (3 semester hours)
Overview of physiological stress responses and their influence on health, behavior, and illness.
PY 607: Professional Development in Research and Teaching (1 semester hour)
Focus on developing knowledge and skills relevant to future goals regarding teaching either in academic or professional settings.
PY 608: Practicum in Teaching and Career Exploration (1 semester hour)
Focus on developing knowledge and skills relevant to future goals, such as career exploration, internship opportunities, resume writing, and graduate program exploration.
PY 610: Experimental Design (3 semester hours)
Design and use of the experiment as an inferential tool. Issues pertaining to reliability, validity, manipulation of independent variables, and sampling will be examined. Implementing statistical techniques for analysis of data generated by experimental designs.
PY 611: Statistics for Experimental Methods (4 semester hours)
Statistical techniques for analysis of data generated by experimental designs.
PY 641: Concentrated Readings (3 semester hours)
Independent readings and/or experiments in an area within the student's field of specialization. One requirement is a research proposal, which will be reviewed by the faculty advisor. May be taken more than once for credit.
PY 650: Supervised Research (1-6 semester hours)
Laboratory or applied research concerning a particular topic, approved and supervised by a PY faculty member. The student may work on an independent or group project. May be taken more than once for credit.
PY 675: Internship in Applied Psychology (1-6 semester hours)
Students are placed in a field setting under the supervision of a faculty member and a site supervisor. Students receive site-specific training, experience, and individual supervision. Prerequisites: PY 502, PY 607, PY 608, PY 610, and PY 611.
PY 699: Thesis (1-6 semester hours)
Required each semester a student is working and receiving faculty direction on a master's thesis. Prerequisites: PY 641, a minimum of two terms is expected. Credit awarded upon successful completion of the thesis.
PY 701: Human System Integration (3 semester hours)
In this introduction to Human Systems Integration (HSI) course, discover how to address human-related issues in system development in an integrated manner. Explore the principles of Human Factors engineering, personnel selection, training, safety, and other HSI technical domains. Learn how these activities across various areas should be integrated to reduce personnel costs and improve system performance.
PY 702: Computational Concepts and Introduction to Software Programming (3 semester hours)
Introduces basic computational concepts and programming skills needed to work with interactive systems. Draws on topics such as log analysis, visualization, prototyping, and data mining. Students analyze data to inform user research and design.
PY 703: Psychology in Human Computer Interaction (3 semester hours)
The course covers three broad categories of topics within human-computer interaction: (a) the principles and characteristics of the interaction between humans and computers; (b) the techniques for designing and evaluating user-centered systems; and (c) current areas of cutting-edge research and development in human-computer interaction.
PY 704: Human Machine System Design (3 semester hours)
Techniques for man-machine system designs in which cognitive and dynamic aspects are of major importance. Applications to computer-interface design, auto/semiautomated systems, military systems, and others. Topics include information processing, decision making, reaction times, and signal detection theory. Individual and group projects, laboratory demonstrations
PY 705: Usability Evaluation and Testing (3 semester hours)
This course covers all of the aspects of specifying, planning, executing, and reporting usability assessments on products, services, and systems. Formative and summative assessments are covered, as are "discount" usability methods. This course is project-based.
PY 706: Management of Complex Systems (3 semester hours)
Focuses on how to design and implement improvements to complex work systems. Emphasis on Agile development, including sprints using scrum teams to achieve rapid iteration design with system users, developers, and owners. Investigates decision support systems, including sense-making and adaptation in ambiguous situations.
PY 707: Ergonomics and Regulations in User Centered Design (3 semester hours)
Covers international, military, and occupational health and safety standard requirements, regulations, and guidelines for ergonomics of human-centered design principles and activities throughout the life cycle of human interactive or work systems. It is intended to be used by those managing design processes and auditing systems and is concerned with ways in which both hardware and software components of interactive systems can enhance human–system interaction and ensure occupational health and safety.
PY 708: Rapid Prototyping (3 semester hours)
Reviews fundamentals of designing and prototyping human-centered interactive systems and environments that include software and hardware components. Students build projects using electronic devices and fabrication tools. Provides hands-on experience in a project-based, studio environment.
PY 709: Human Artificial Intelligence Interaction (3 semester hours)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is inspired by human intelligence, made powerful by human data, and ultimately only useful in how it positively affects the human experience. This multidisciplinary research area draws from: Robotics, AI, Human-Computer Interaction, and Cognitive Psychology. A number of general topics will be discussed: agency and initiative, AI and ethics, bias and transparency, confidence and errors, human augmentation and amplification, trust and explainability, mixed-initiative systems, and programming by example. These topics will be explored via projects in dialog and speech-controlled systems, automatic speech recognition, computer vision, data science, recommender systems, text summarization, learning science, UI personalization, and visualization.
PY 710: Machine Learning for Social/Behavioral Research (3 semester hours)
Machine Learning is concerned with computer programs that enable the behavior of a computer to be learned from examples or experience rather than dictated through rules written by hand. This course does not assume any prior exposure to machine learning theory or practice. In the course, we will cover a wide range of learning algorithms that can be applied to a variety of problems such as decision trees, rule-based classification, support vector machines, Bayesian networks, and clustering. Students will go into more depth on one application area.
PY 711: Computational Psychology (3 semester hours)
The application of computational principles to understanding human behavior. A prime example of this is simulation modeling, i.e., the development of computer programs that simulate human behavior (e.g., emergentist models, production models, Bayesian models, etc.). Hands-on experience with modeling tools to analyze large data sets, reflecting, for example, the instantaneous behavior of millions of Twitter users, or the analysis of more standard forms of multivariate problems in human behavior.
PY 712: Social Cognitive Neuroscience (3 semester hours)
Will address interactions between social-level phenomena, cognitive-level processes, and neural mechanisms that underlie these events. This course will cover basic neurophysiology and cognitive processing theory to understand how these foster social perception, cognition, and actions.
PY 713: Quantitative Statistical Methods (3 semester hours)
The course covers the common logic underlying a wide range of methods developed for rigorous quantitative inquiry in Psychology. Students will become familiar with various research designs, measurement, and advanced analytic strategies broadly applicable to theory-driven and data-informed quantitative research. Moreover, they will understand the inherent connections between different statistical methods and will become aware of the strengths and limitations of each.
PY 714: Multivariate Statistics (3 semester hours)
This course covers advanced-level multivariate statistical methods, including an overview of the general linear model, assumptions of multivariate statistical procedures, MANOVA and MANCOVA, discriminant function analysis, canonical correlation analysis, cluster analysis, and principal components analysis. The focus of this course will be on conceptual understanding and computer applications, with an introduction to the mathematical underpinnings of the procedures examined.
PY 715: R for Data Science (3 semester hours)
This class will learn how to manipulate larger data sets with current best practices and advancements in data science. This will all be taught using R, a programming environment that is well suited for data science.
PY 718: Advanced Structural Equation Modeling (3 semester hours)
Provides the basic theoretical background necessary for the application of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to research problems including model specification, identification, path analysis, estimation, testing fit, respecification, confirmatory factor analysis, and issues concerning the interpretation of SEM results.
PY 719: History & Systems (3 semester hours)
Survey of psychological systems (theory, research, perspectives) regarding human behavior and mental processes from ancient times to the present.
PY 725: Eyewitness Psychology (3 semester hours)
This course will examine the research and application of Psychology knowledge or concepts to the legal system, emphasizing eyewitness memory. The course covers such topics as, description accuracy, weapon focus, line-up construction, line-up administration, line-up identification, confidence, and post identification feedback.
PY 730: Forensic/Investigative Interviews (3 semester hours)
In this course, students will learn about the science of forensic interviewing and detecting deception from an applied cognitive and social perspective. The topics will include false confessions, The Reid method of interrogation, detecting deception, and implications of research for justice system practices and policies. All course content will be derived directly from academic articles in the field.
PY 735: Child Witnesses (3 semester hours)
Children and adolescents all too frequently become involved in the legal system as victims, witnesses, or perpetrators of crime. This course will apply relevant developmental research and theory to legal issues of children and adolescents.
PY 740: Interrogation and Deception (3 semester hours)
In this course, students will learn about the science of interrogations and confessions. The course will critically examine the elements of interrogation from an applied cognitive and social perspective. The topics will include false confessions, The Reid method of interrogation, detecting deception, and implications of research for justice system practices and policies. All course content will be derived directly from academic articles in the field.
PY 745: Wrongful Conviction (3 semester hours)
In the last fifteen years, DNA testing has exposed the wrongful conviction of numerous innocent people. Given that DNA testing is available in only a small fraction of the number of cases, these exonerations underestimate the number of innocent people wrongfully incarcerated. This class will examine the contributing factors of wrongful convictions as outlined in the Innocence Project and the National Registry of Exonerations. These factors include eyewitness identification, false confessions, jailhouse informants, police and prosecutorial misconduct, and junk science. Readings will be selected from the literature on wrongful convictions.
PY 750: Assessment of Competency to Stand Trial (3 semester hours)
This course will address the various factors that courts evaluate when determining whether a defendant is competent to stand trial.
PY 775: Proseminar in Social Psychology (3 semester hours)
In this class, social psychological theories (e.g., attitudes, social cognition, social influence, and persuasion) will be examined to understand and address several areas in the legal system, including interrogations, conducting line-ups, interviewing child and adult witnesses, jury decision making, race, and gender.
PY 780: Applied Cognitive Psychology (3 semester hours)
This course introduces the basic processes involved in human information processing, including perception, attention, memory, knowledge representations, language, problem-solving, reasoning, and decision-making Relevant questions include: How do we know what something is when we see it? How do optical illusions work? Why is eyewitness testimony so unreliable? Is texting while driving really that dangerous? Why do “Freudian Slips” happen? How can we improve our ability to solve problems? This course will address these questions and many more, providing an overview of many (but not all) of the content areas comprising the scientific discipline of cognitive Psychology and how it applies to real-world problems.
PY 799: Dissertation (1-6 semester hours)
Required each semester a student is working and receiving faculty direction on a dissertation.