History Undergraduate Degree Programs
A student majoring in history will find a variety of programs of study enabling one to develop depth and breadth in history. Faculty mentor advising is available in the History Department for graduate school preparation, general advising, pre-professional and pre-law preparation, international studies, secondary school teaching, and the fine arts. A student who wishes to plan an individual program of study can do so through a faculty mentor within history with the coordination of the department chair.
Graduates will be able to:
- Display knowledge of important events and periods, and their significance in history
- Demonstrate critical historical analysis
- Conduct historical research
- Communicate historical knowledge to other people
- Practice historical thinking as central to engaged citizenship
These abilities have led graduates of the UAH History Department to succeed in a wide range of careers. They are chief executives (Discovery Channel, Alabama Power), teachers at all levels, scholars, government analysts, museum curators, business owners, and more.
Bachelor of Arts in History
This is the “history major” appropriate for most. To earn a bachelor of arts in history, a student must take a minimum of 30 credit hours in history beyond HY 103 and 104.
For a full list of courses for the history major, visit the UAH Catalog.
Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Education History and Social Science
Students majoring in education may select history as their second area of study or may elect to pursue a dual degree. The department’s majors who complete Class A&B certificates in education meet all the requirements of Alabama teacher certification.
For a full list of courses for the history education major, visit the UAH Catalog.
Minor in Public History
Public History at UAH offers students a range of classes in historical interpretation, cultural resource management, historical archaeology, archival management, and research methodology. These classes complement students’ training in more-traditional history classes and helps prepare for a broad range of careers in fields beyond teaching.
Active learning through semester-long internships is an essential element of public history. UAH students have interned at many institutions, including the following:
- U.S. Space and Rocket Center
- NASA Marshall Space Center
- National Park Service’s Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial Site
- Huntsville Museum of Art
- Huntsville/Madison County Archives
- Huntsville/Madison County Special Collection
- UAH Library Special Collection
- State of Tennessee Park System
- Burttitt on the Mountain
- Early Works/Constitution Hall & Park
- Pond Spring/Joe Wheeler House
For more information about public history or current projects, please contact one of the following faculty:
Dr. Christine Sears christine.sears@uah.edu or Dr. Stephen Waring stephen.waring@uah.edu.
For a full list of courses for history minors, visit the UAH Catalog.