The Hundredfold Peace Stipend
One full-time UAH student will receive tuition and living expenses (not to exceed $1500 and not to include transatlantic travel) for immersion German language study at the Institute for Intercultural Communication in Düsseldorf, Germany (http://www.iik-duesseldorf.de/english/). The winning candidate may be a major in any field in any college at UAH. The recipient should have completed FL102-G prior to arrival in Düsseldorf in summer 2014, and should be enrolled in a UAH German course in fall 2014 so other students can benefit from your Düsseldorf experience.
Candidates for the award should submit the following to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts by December 2, 2013 at 5:00pm:
◦ your name, college and department, mailing address, e-mail address, phone numbers
and A-number at the top of your personal statement (see next item);
◦ a personal statement describing prior altruistic activities and future goals, and how
this summer program emerges naturally from the former and would contribute to the
latter (three pages maximum);
◦ letters of recommendation from two UAH faculty members, of whom one should be
in Foreign Languages;
◦ a handwritten, signed note (a) naming the German course you expect to take in fall
2014, (b) granting permission for your name to be published in all honor
assembly and publicity formats announcing the winner, if selected,
and committing to do the following: (c) a bulletin board presentation of your
experience, (d) visit classes, and (e) turn in two hard copies, and one electronic
copy, of a one-to-two page description of your experience for showing to past and
potential donors, and potential applicants in a future year.
Your Düsseldorf experience may not be construed as part of accredited coursework in any field other than German. However, if you have some personal project in another field on which you would like the feedback of a specialist in Düsseldorf, we will try to find you a specialist in this other field for the excitement of noncredit learning.
In addition to having a generally strong record, the winning candidate will be the one who seems most likely to help make the world a safer and healthier place. If no application received by December 2 is sufficiently strong, no award will be given in that particular year.
The stipend is open to students of any, or of no particular, faith. It is based on a parable in Matthew 13:8: Some seed fell on good soil where it bore fruit a hundredfold.