Studying the humanities fosters self-reflection, self-understanding, and informed judgments about one’s values. It enriches culture and informs public policy by examining the past, evaluating current social realities, and fostering ethical communication.
The undergraduate curriculum at UAH offers a strong variety of majors and minors in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. Most courses are open to any interested student, and few have prerequisites. Many of these courses also teach skills that are transferable to a wide range of career pathways rather than restricted to a specific industry.
The Humanities Center regards undergraduates as central to its community of scholars. It welcomes all students to attend its public programming, and it works with faculty to create opportunities for students to engage with invited speakers in more intimate settings.
Skills & Examples
Research Skills
Organize unstructured tasks; detect misleading information; assimilate new information.
Analytical Skills
Engage ill-structured problems; assimilate and prioritize information; resolve disagreements; defend independent conclusions.
Communication Skills
Active listening; public speaking; construct intelligible narratives; simplify complex ideas.
Interpersonal Skills
Create community; persuade without coercion; cultural sensitivity; collaborative problem-solving.
Management Skills
Constructive criticism; holistic understanding; integrate variety; responsive to contextual change.
Entrepreneurial Skills
Generate novel ideas; write persuasive proposals; design projects; independent research.
Student Internship Partners
In partnership with local nonprofits and organizations, the Humanities Center offers student opportunities for funded internships. Here are our most recent partnerships. For more information on internships, please get in touch with cahs-careers@uah.edu.
United Women of Color
United Women of Color amplifies the voices of our community through civic engagement to improve the lives of women, girls, and their families. Women make up 52% of the Madison County population, and 1/4 of children in Madison county live in poverty. We believe that we have a responsibility to help build and shape the culture of our communities. United Women of Color exists to provide opportunities of advancement through educational programs, civic engagement, and advocacy to fill gaps of need specific to our area. It is our vision to create an inclusive community by building relationships and facilitating authentic connections to address our community’s changing needs.
The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) is not affiliated with United Women of Color and does not necessarily endorse the views or opinions expressed by this organization.

Contact Information:
Web: unitedwoc.org
Phone: 256-384-4933