Code Smarter, Not Harder, with a Computer Science degree at UAH

Take the next step

You fit here

An extensive set of elective courses, including web development, cybersecurity, data science, cloud computing, mobile app development, multimedia, database systems, and computer graphics, are available to prepare you for your preferred specialization.

What can you do with a Computer Science degree?

  • Cyber Security
  • Digital Forensics
  • Data Mining & Data Science
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Software Engineering
  • Gaming & Entertainment Computing

Discover your passion

Find your fit at UAH, including smaller classes, authentic conversations with professors and students, and access to opportunities to be involved in clubs, organizations, and athletics.

Launch your future

UAH offers local access to Cummings Research Park, the second-largest research park in the U.S., specializing in aerospace, defense, biotechnology, and government industries. Our campus is close to Redstone Arsenal, which is home to community partners like the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, the Missile Defense Agency, and the FBI Hazardous Device School. This collaborative relationship allows you to participate in research, co/ops, and internships in your field before you graduate from college.