SENATE RESOLUTIONS 2023-2024: FA23-B01: A Bill to Amend the SGA Constitution FA23-B02: A Bill to Make "Respect Day" a Campus-Wide Movement 2022-2023: FA22-B01: A Bill to Amend the SGA Constitution SP23-R01: A Resolution to Recommend Installation of a Bench Swing SP23-B02: A Bill to Fund Pregnancy Tests for the Student Health Center SP23-B03: A Bill to Introduce Funding for the Student Workroom 2021-2022: FA21-R01: A Resolution to Provide Menstrual Support on the UAH Campus FA21-B02: A Bill to Mandate Regular SGA Newsletter Press Releases FA21-B03: A Bill to Establish a Prepbook Funding Program FA21-B04: A Bill to Amend the SGA Constitution FA21-B05: A Bill to Provide Refreshments for the Counseling Center 2020-2021: FA20-R01: A Resolution to Allow Excused Absences for Election Day FA20-R02: A Resolution to Acknowledge and Commemorate the Significant Contributions of David McGlathery FA20-R03: A Resolution to Support the Establishment of a Campus Composting Program and Facility SP21-B01: A Bill to Improve the Intramural Fields 2016-2017: FA16-R01: A Resolution Establishing Commendation for the Introduction of the Perpetua Undergraduate Journal FA16-R02: A Bill Establishing Amendments and Revisions to the SGA Constitution SP17-B01: A Bill Modifying Student Organization Funding Procedures SP17-R01: A Resolution Establishing More Printing Options on Campus SP17-R02: A Resolution Establishing a Trial Period to Extend Charger Brew Starbucks Hours The Big Event "The Big Event" at UAH is an annual student-led community service outreach day that allows students, faculty, and staff to give back to the Huntsville community and surrounding areas. Every year, hundreds of individuals volunteer their time and efforts at numerous local, non-profit organizations across the city. This event is our way of saying "thank you" to the Huntsville community for its continued support for The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Higher Education Day Hosted by Alabama’s Higher Education Partnership, “Higher Education Day” is an annual event that takes place on the steps of the State House in Montgomery, Alabama. Here, students from numerous Alabama public universities rally together in order to lobby for increased funding for Higher Education. Through this event, students have the opportunity to take a stand and get involved in protecting Higher Education. This year’s “Higher Education Day” will take place in February of 2018. Register now to join a group of UAH representatives in Montgomery!