The Office of Pre-Professional Advising (PPA) offers Mock Exam Days to allow pre-health students the opportunity to practice taking their entrance exam in a setting similar to what the real exam day will be like. In order to most closely mimic the real entrance exam conditions, scratchwork sheets are provided, cubicle blinders were set up, and students were encouraged to only take a break during the scheduled break times. For students who did not do as well as they had hoped, it was primarily because they were not used to taking a practice test outside of the comfort of their own home. "At home, students can access their phones or other distractions or break up the exam over a longer period of time than allowed," explains Kristin Hawthorne, Pre-Professional Advisor & Coordinator. "During Mock Exam Day, PPA removes all distractions for the entirety of their exam and provides ear plugs to help cancel out extraneous noises." Kristin spoke with each student after they finished their exam to see what areas they felt like they struggled with so she could provide recommendations and tips on how to best address those concerns. In addition to reminding students about the free PPA Library that contains exam preparation books, she helped reevaluate their study plans to allow more time for problematic areas. She also said that "some students needed advice on stress and time management," so she provided resources to better tackle those areas of their life. Missed the first Mock Exam Day? Find future event dates here.