Themistoklis Chronis, Ph.D. Clinical Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy Contact 301 Sparkman DriveOptics BuildingRoom 239Huntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map Biography Curriculum Vitae Education Ph. D., Env. Engineering, University of Connecticut, (2000-2004) Masters, Env. Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, (1998-2000) Bachelors, Geology and Oceanography, University of Athens, Greece (1991-1996) Research Funding Ongoing - NASA/MFSC, Lighting as an Indicator of Climate: Enhancements & New Developments 1/1/2015 - 3/31/2021 Ongoing - NASA/MSFC, Using Scatter Measured Vector Winds to Study High-Impact Weather Events, 1/1/2015 - 3/31/2021 NASA/MSFC, Interpretation of Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Data from the NASA TRMM and PMM Programs, 9/1/2014 - 3/31/2021 NASA/MSFC, Science Support for GLM Assimilation, 6/15/2013 - 3/31/2021 UAH/Individual Investigator Distinguished Research, Weather severity (hail, tornadic) assessment via lightning and ground-based radar characteristics, GIS-based thunderstorm clustering and analysis, 01/01/2014-31/12/2014 UAH/Distinguished Invited Lecturer Series, Global Electric Circuit, 01/012014-12/31/2014. NASA/MSFC, Analysis and Interpretation of Satellite and Field Program Datasets to Investigate Hurricane Structure and Intensification, 9/1/2014 - 3/31/2017 NASA/MSFC, Exploring the Utility of the Planned CYGNSS Mission for Investigating the Initiation and Development, 6/16/2014 - 3/31/2021 NASA/SSC, Transiting of an Integrated 0-1 Hour First Flash Lightning Nowcasting, Lightning Amount and Jump Warning Capability,3/26/2014 - 3/25/2017 European Science Foundation-Marie-Curie, Joint assimilation of satellite aerosol, cloud, and precipitation observations in numerical models to support climate and hydrologic applications, 01/012008-12/31/2011 Recent Publications Anagnostou, E and Chronis, T., [2004], The worth of long range lightning observation on over land precipitation estimation, Advances in Global Change, Kluwer Academic Publishing. Pittman J., Chronis T., Robertson, F., and Miller, T., [2008], Book Chapter-Electrification in Hurricanes: Implications for Water Vapor in the Tropical Tropopause Layer, Hurricanes and Climate Change, edited by J. B. Elsner and T. H. Jagger, Springer Anagnostou, E.N., T. Chronis, and D.P. Lalas [2002], New Receiver Network Advances in Long-Range Lightning Monitoring, EOS-Transactions, Vol. 83, No. 50, 594-595. Chronis T. and Anagnostou E., [2003], Error analysis for a long-range lightning monitoring network of ground-based receivers in Europe, J. Geophys. Res., Vol.108, No.D24, 4779. Chronis T., Anagnostou E and Dinku T. [2004], High frequency estimation of thunderstorms via Satellite Infrared and a long-range lightning network in Europe, Quarterly Royal Meteorological Society Vol. 130 April 2004 Part B No. 599. Papadopoulos, A., T. Chronis, and E. N. Anagnostou, [2005], Using lightning to predict storm precipitation, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 86 [8], pp. 1057-1059. Papadopoulos, A., T. Chronis, and E. N. Anagnostou, [2005], Improving Convective Precipitation Forecasting Through Assimilation of Regional Lightning Measurements in a Mesoscale Model, Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 133, 1961–1977. Chronis, T., and E.N. Anagnostou, [2006], Evaluation of a Long-Range Lightning Detection Network with Receivers in Europe and Africa, IEEE Transaction on Geosciences and Remote Sensing Volume 44, Issue 6, pp.1504 – 1510. Williams E., Boldi R., Bor J., Satori G., Price C., Greengurg E., Takashashi Y., Yamamoto K., Chronis T., Anagnostou E., Smith D., Lopez L., [2006], Lightning flashes conductive to production and escape of gamma radiation to space, J. of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres VOL. 111, D16209, doi:10.1029/2005JD006447. Chronis T., Williams E, Anagnostou E., [2006], Evidence of tropical forcing of the 6.5 wave from lightning observations over Africa, J. Atmos. Sci., 64, 3717-3721.