Shangbing Ai, Ph.D. Professor, Mathematical Science Contact 301 Sparkman DriveShelby CenterRoom 258LHuntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map Biography Curriculum Vitae Education Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh, 1999 M.S., Mathematics, Shandong University, China, 1987 B.S., Computational Mathematics, Shandong University, China 1984 Honors & Awards Andrew-Mellon Predoctoral Fellowship, Univ. of Pittsburgh (9/97 -5/98) Postdoctoral Fellowship, Georgia Institute of Technology (8/00 -5/02) UAH start-up fund (8/02 -5/08): $5000.00 UAH Mini-Grant award (1/03 -12/03): $8381.00 Guest Professor (5/15 -5/18): Jiangsu Normal University, China Visiting Scholar at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, June 24--30, 2018. Visiting Scholar at The Shandong University, China, July 2--22, 2018. Expertise Differential equations Dynamical systems Mathematical biology Recent Publications S. Ai, Bounded/periodic solutions for a class of scalar delay differential equations, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 151 (2023), 3547-3560. S. Ai, Y. Du, Y. Jiao and R. Peng, Traveling wave solutions of a class of multi-species non-cooperative reaction–diffusion systems, Nonlinearity, 36 (2023), 2371-2402. DOI 10.1088/1361-6544/acc303 Ai, J. Li, J. Yu and B. Zheng, Stage-structured models for interactive wild and periodically and impulsively released sterile mosquitoes. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-B, 27 (2022), 2935-2957. S. Ai and M. Fox, Four positive equilibria in a model for sterile and wide mosquito populations. Applied Math. Letter, 121 (2021), 107409. S. Ai and Y. Yi, Relaxation oscillations in predator-prey systems. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations (2021), 1-28. X. Hu, S. Fu and S. Ai, Global asymptotic behavior of solutions for a parabolic-parabolic-ode chemotaxis system modeling multiple sclerosis. Journal of Diff. Equations, 269 (2020), 6875-6898. J. Li and S. Ai, Impulsive releases of sterile mosquitoes and interactive dynamics with time delay, J. Biological Dynamics, 14 (2020), 313-331. S. Ai and S. Sadhu, The entry-exit theorem and relaxation oscillations in slow-fast planar systems. J. Diff. Equations, 268 (2020), 7220-7249. S.Ai and C. Cowan, Critical elliptic equations via a dynamical systems approach, Nonlinear Analysis, 182(2019),97-112. Liming Cai, S Ai, and Guihong Fan, Dynamics of delayed mosquitoes' populations models with two different strategies of releasing sterile mosquitoes Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 15 (2018), 1181-1202