Leiqiu Hu, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Atmospheric and Earth Science Contact 320 Sparkman DriveCramer Research HallRoom 3043Huntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map 256.961.7868leiqiu.hu@uah.edu Biography Curriculum Vitae Research Lab Website ORCiD Listing Education Ph.D., Geography, University of Kansas, USA, 2014 M.S., Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Science, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2011 B.S., Geography, School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, China, 2008 Honors & Awards 2014-2016 Advanced Study Program Postdoctoral Fellowship, NCAR, USA 2014 Dissertation Defense with Honors, University of Kansas 2008 Graduate with Honors, Beijing Normal University (China) Expertise Urban Climatology Quantitative Thermal Remote Sensing Applied Remote Sensing and GIS in Environmental Studies Recent Publications Lai, J. ; Zhan, W.; Voogt, J.; Quan, J.; Huang, F.; Zhou, J; Bechtel, B.; Hu, L.; Wang, K.; Cao, C.; Lee, X. 2020. Meteorological controls on daily variations of nighttime surface urban heat islands. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112198. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2020.112198 Vo, T.; Hu, L.∗2021. Diurnal Evolution of Urban Tree Temperature at a City Scale, Scientific Reports, 10.1038/s41598-021-89972-0 Hu, L.* 2021. A Global Assessment of Coastal Marine Heatwaves and Their Relation with Coastal Urban Thermal Changes, Geophysical Research Letters, 10.1029/2021GL093260 Wang, D.; Chen, Y.; Hu, L.; Voogt, J.; Gastellu-Etchegorry, J.; Krayenhoff, E. 2021. Modeling the angular effect of MODIS LST in urban areas: a case study of Toulouse, France, Remote Sensing of Environment, 10.1016/j.rse.2021.112361. Hong, F.; Zhan, W.; Göttsche, F. M.; Lai, J.; Liu, Z.; Hu, L.; Fu, P.; Huang, F.; Li, J.; Li, H.; Wu, H. 2021. A simple yet robust framework to estimate accurate daily mean land surface temperature from thermal observations of tandem polar orbiters. Remote Sensing of Environments, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2021.112612. Browne, C.; Matteson D.; McBride, L.; Hu, L.; Liu, Y.; Sun, Y.; Wen, J.; Barrett, C. B. 2021. Multivariate random forest prediction of poverty and malnutrition prevalence, PLOS ONE, 10.1371/journal.pone.0255519 McBride L.; Barrett C.; Browne, C.; Hu, L.; Liu, Y.; Matteson D.; Sun. Y.; & Wen, J. 2021. Predicting poverty and malnutrition for targeting, mapping, monitoring, and early warning, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 10.1002/aepp.13175 Cui, Y.; Hu, L.; Wang, Z.; Li, Q. 2021. Urban nocturnal cooling mediated by bluespace. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 10.1007/s00704-021-03727-5 Jiang, L.; Zhan, W.; Hu, L.; Huang, F.; Hong, F.; Liu, Z.; Lai, J.; Wang, C. 2021. Assessment of Different Kernel-driven Models for Daytime Urban Thermal Anisotropy Simulation, Remote Sensing of Environment,263(15), 112562. Yu, Z.; Hu, L.; Sun, T.; Albertson, J.; Li, Q. 2021. Impact of Heat Storage on Remote-Sensing Based Quantification of Anthropogenic Heat in Urban Environments, Remote Sensing of Environment, 262,112520