Ming Sun, Ph.D. Professor, Physics and Astronomy Contact 301 Sparkman DriveOptics BuildingRoom 214Huntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map 256.824.2126ming.sun@uah.edu Biography I have been fascinated by night sky since I was a little kid. I attended Harvard University for my Ph.D. in Astronomy. Following post-doctoral experience at Michigan State University and the University of Virginia, I was a research scientist at the University of Virginia and Eureka Scientific. I started at the UAH from the beginning of 2014. Curriculum Vitae Personal Website Google Scholar Profile Education Ph.D., Astronomy, Harvard University, 2005 B.S., Nanjing University, China, 1997 Research Funding 04/2021 - 04/2023: "AGN Feedback Imprints in Two Remarkable Galaxy Groups", $68K, NASA 01/2021 - 01/2024: "Radio galaxy harassment caught in the act", $71K, SAO+STScI 01/2020 - 01/2023: Spiraling into the ``Quotation Mark Cluster'', $66K, SAO 3/2019 - 03/2022: Double bullet cluster A4067, $74K, SAO 02/2019 - 02/2022: A direct Chandra - Suzaku comparison of cluster outskirts, $135K, SAO 03/2018 - 03/2020: Tales of Tails: The Virgo Episodes, $79K, NASA 06/2019 - 06/2021: Updating Scaling Relations for Low-mass Galaxy Groups from the PSPC Samples, $73K, NASA 11/2017 - 06/2021: Spectacular Optical Filaments in the X-ray Brightest Group Cool Core, 40K, Space Telescope Science Institute 09/2017 - 09/2020: The Multiphase Gas in Galaxies, Groups of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, $338K, NSF 7/16 - 7/18: Tales of tails: the Coma episodes, $91K, SAO Expertise Galaxy Groups and Clusters Cosmology Galaxy Formation and Evolution Supermassive Black Holes Recent Publications Ge, C., Liu, R., Sun, M.et al., "Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of A2256: cold fronts, merger shocks, and constraint on the IC emission",MNRAS, 497, 4704 (2020) Chen, H., Sun, M. et al., "The ram pressure stripped radio tails of galaxies in the Coma cluster", MNRAS, 496, 4654 (2020) Liu, W., Sun, M. et al., "AGN feedback in the FR II galaxy 3C 220.1", MNRAS, 492, 3156 (2020) Ge, C., Sun, M. et al., "A merger shock in Abell 1367",MNRAS, 486, L36 (2019) Liu, W., Sun, M. et al., "AGN feedback in galaxy group 3C 88: cavities, shock, and jet reorientation", MNRAS, 484, 3376 (2019) Ge, C., Sun, M. et al., "X-ray scaling relations from a complete sample of the richest maxBCGclusters", MNRAS, 484, 1946 (2019) Dasadia, S., Sun, M. et al., "A strong merger shock in Abell 665", ApJ, 820, L20, (2016) Morandi, A., & Sun, M., "Probing dark energy via galaxy cluster outskirts", MNRAS, 457, 3266,(2016) Morandi, A., Sun, M., Forman, W., Jones, C., "The galaxy cluster outskirts probed by Chandra", MNRAS, 450, 2261, (2015) Sun, M., "Hot gas in galaxy groups: recent observations", New Journal of Physics, Volume 14, Issue 4, article id. 045004, (2012) (an invited review)