Lingze Duan, Ph.D. Associate Dean of Research and Strategic Initiatives Professor, Physics and Astronomy Contact 301 Sparkman DriveOptics BuildingRoom 201Huntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map Biography Dr. Lingze Duan received the B.S. degree in physics from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 1995 and the Ph.D degree in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA in 2002. After conducting postdoctoral research at MIT (2002-2004) and Penn State (2004-2007), he joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UAH as a faculty member in 2007, where he has been an Associate Professor since 2013. His current research interest includes ultrafast nanophotonics, frequency metrology with femtosecond frequency combs, fiber optic sensors, and novel applications of optics in astrophysics. He was a recipient of the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award in 2013. He is a Senior Member of the Optical Society (OSA) and a Senior Member of IEEE and IEEE Photonics Society. Dr. Duan's teaching interest covers a broad range of subjects in physics and optics, including general physics (PH 112, 115 and 310), basic optics (OPT 341, 342, 411, 412 and 441), and advanced optical & laser sciences (PH/OSE 632, 645, 733 and 745). Curriculum Vitae Education Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, 2002 M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, 1998 B.S., Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1995 Expertise Femtosecond Lasers Optical Frequency Combs & Applications Ultrafast Nanophotonics Optical Metrology Fiber-Optic Sensors Imaging & Spectroscopy Research Funding 2020 – 2021 EPA P3 (Co-PI, $25k) - Distributed Fiber-optic Turbidity Sensor Network (SU84015201) 2019 – 2021 AL ACHE GRSP (PI, $50k) - High-Resolution Fiber-Optic Sensing under Extreme Conditions 2019–2020 - NASA/EPSCoR R3 (Sc-I, $100k) - Development of Fiber-Optic High-Temperature Heat Flux Sensors for Venus Exploration (80NSSC19M0033). 2016–2020 - NSF/EPMD (PI, $340k) - The Fundamental Limit of Fiber-Optic Sensors in the Infrasonic Region (ECCS-1606836). 2015-2017 - AL ACHE GRSP (PI, $50k): Fiber-optic sensing at the Femto-strain Level 2013-2019 - NSF-CAREER (PI, $408k): Semiconductor Detectors for Direct Probing of the Absolute Phase of Light (ECCS-1254902) 2013-2016 - NASA EPSCoR RID (PI, $48k): Compact, low-cost semiconductor lasers with ultra-high frequency stability (NNX13AB09A) 2012–2015 - AL ACHE GRSP (PI, $75k) - High-Resolution Dynamic Range Metrology Using A Femtosecond-Laser Frequency Comb 2011–2014 - NSF/MRI (PI, $280k) - Acquisition of Menlo Systems FC1500 Optical Frequency Synthesizer (ECCS-1040019) 2012-2015 - AL ACHE GRSP (PI, $75k): High-resolution dynamic range metrology using a femtosecond-laser frequency comb Recent Publications Bing Zeng and Lingze Duan, “Analytical theory of carrier-envelope phase-dependent coherence driven by few-cycle pulses,” Phys. Lett. A 398, 127292 (2021). Unnati Patel, Kavini Rathnayake, Hemang Jani, Kalana W. Jayawardana, Rijan Dhakal, Lingze Duan, Surangi N. Jayawardena, “Near-infrared responsive targeted drug delivery system that offer chemo-photothermal therapy against bacterial infection,” Nano Select 1, 1-20 (2021). DOI: 10.1002/nano.202000271 Nabil Md Rakinul Hoque and Lingze Duan, “Picostrain-resolution passive fiber-optic sensing down to sub-10 mHz infrasonic frequencies,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 37, 2773-2778 (2020). Ben Xu, F. P. Zhao, D. N. Wang, Chun-Liu Zhao, Jianqing Li, Minghong Yang, and Lingze Duan “Tip hydrogen sensor based on liquid filled in-fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer with Pt-loaded WO3 coating,” Meas. Sci. Technol. 31, 125107 (2020). Nabil Md Rakinul Hoque and Lingze Duan, “Ultrahigh-resolution fiber-optic sensing using a high-finesse, meter-long fiber Fabry-Perot resonator,” IEEE Photon. J. 12, 7101109 (2020). Hemang Jani and Lingze Duan, “Time-frequency spectroscopy of GaAs transient dispersion using few-cycle pump-probe reflectometry,” Phys. Rev. Appl., 13, 054010 (2020). Hemang Jani, Liang Chen, and Lingze Duan, “Pre-emission study of photoelectron dynamics in a GaAs/AlGaAs photocathode,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 56, 4000208 (2020). Srikamal Soundararajan and Lingze Duan, “Time-stretch spectroscopy based on laser cavity tuning with a dual-function delay line,” IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., 31, 1385-1388 (2019). Dipen Barot, Gang Wang, and Lingze Duan, “High resolution dynamic strain sensor using a polarization maintaining fiber Bragg grating,” IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 31, 709-712 (2019). Chunfang Rao and Lingze Duan, “Bidirectional, bimodal ultrasonic lamb wave sensing in a composite plate using a polarization-maintaining fiber Bragg grating,” Sensors 19, 1375 (2019).