Dongsheng Wu, Ph.D. Professor, Mathematical Science Contact 301 Sparkman DriveShelby CenterRoom 201LHuntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map Biography Curriculum Vitae Education Ph.D., Mathematics, Michigan State University, 2006 Applied Mathematics, Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 1999. M.S. Statistics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 2005. M.S. Applied Mathematics, Hebei University, Baoding, China, 1989. Mathematics, Hebei University, Baoding, China, 1986. Affiliations Associate Editor, Statistics and Probability Letters Expertise Stochastic processes and random fields Stochastic partial differential equations Statistical properties of Gaussian random fields Random fractal High accuracy finite element analysis. Recent Publications M. Lund, M. Howard, D. Wu, R. Crum, D. Miller and M. Akin, An anisotropic local method for boundary detection in images. WiSDM 2021 Proceedings, accepted, 2021. Z. Chen, J. Wang and D. Wu, On intersections of independent space-time anisotropicGaussian fields.Statistics and Probability Letters,166(2020), Paper 108874. R. Harrell, R. Song, D. Wuand Y. Xiao, Sharp space-time regularity of the solution to a stochastic heat equation driven by a fractional-colored noise.Stochastic Analysis and Applications,38(2020), 747-768. Y. Dong, W.D. Pan and D. Wu, Impact of misclassification rates on compression efficiency of red blood cell images of malaria infection using deep learning.Entropy,21(2019),Paper 1062. Q. Wang, D. Wuand K. Zhu, Model checks for nonlinear cointegrating regression. Journal of Econometrics,207(2018), 261-284. Y. He and D. Wu, Wavelet based estimators of multivariable mean regression function with long memory data.Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods,47(2018),2389-2406. W. D. Pan, Y. Dong, and D. Wu, Classification of Malaria Infected Cells Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Book Chapter in Machine Learning - Advanced Techniques and Emerging Applications, ISBN 978-1-78923-753-5, 2018. C. Ouyang, Y. Shi and D. Wu, Mutual intersection for rough differential systems driven by fractional Brownian motions.Statistics and Probability Letters,135(2018), 83-91. S. Smith, G. Wang and D. Wu, Bayesian approach to breathing crack detection in beam structures. Engineering Structures,148(2017), 829-838. H. Shen, W. D. Pan and D. Wu, Predictive lossless compression of regions of interest in hyperspectral images with no-data regions.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,55(2017), 173-182.