Mr. Casey Calamaio

Research Engineer / Scientist


301 Sparkman Drive
Von Braun Research Hall
Room M34F
Huntsville, AL 35899
Campus Map



Casey Calamaio is an FAA-certified Part 107 Remote Pilot Operator with over ten years of experience flying multiple classes of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in the United States, Central America, and Europe. He is also a Research Engineer at The University of Alabama in Huntsville's Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research Programs out of the Rotorcraft Systems Engineering and Simulation Center. Casey's research and academic background is in geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing from satellite and airborne platforms for environmental monitoring and disaster response applications. He is currently working on several FAA, DoD, DHS, NOAA, and NASA research programs involving the use of UAS in disaster response, airspace management, complex UAS operations, STEM Education, and future use cases for UAS in the national airspace.

Outside of his work at UAH, Casey volunteers as a Senior Member and Director of Operations for sUAS (DOU) in the Civil Air Patrol supporting the development of the UAS program and serving as a qualified UAS Mission Pilot for the state of Alabama. Casey also volunteers with a local initiative from the mayor's office for the City of Huntsville focused on incorporating UAS in local emergency management. This initiative, known as GeoHuntsville, regularly coordinates with FAA public safety officials and FEMA for best practices and areas of support in disaster response. Casey is also a new member of the FEMA Region IV Academic Collaborative founded by Jacksonville State University (JSU) where institutions of higher education and state entities discuss and demonstrate best practices for emergency management efforts in the southeast region.