Mr. Daniel Sillivant

Research Engineer / Scientist


301 Sparkman Drive
Von Braun Research Hall
Room C9
Huntsville, AL 35899
Campus Map



Daniel is a reliability engineer at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. He has worked in reliability engineering for over eight years on various industry, military, and NASA projects. He has developed system level reliability and maintainability models for a global network of systems, to include failure models from based upon OEM, historical, and operator data, reliability block diagrams and simulations for the optimization of system availability and the minimization of cost. He has developed FMEAs (Failure Modes, Effect, and Analysis) on several different systems ranging from electronics to ground vehicles. Other projects include reliability growth, Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), and 3-parameter Weibull. He recently began working in System Safety on a NASA project.

His current research interests are developing a system reliability model that utilizes RCM, failure and repair models, maintenance and logistical costs, for the optimization of the life-cycle cost to an organization.


  • Ph.D. in Industrial & Systems/Reliability Engineering, In Progress
  • M.S.E. in Industrial & Systems/Reliability Engineering, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2011
  • B.S.E. in Chemical/Materials Engineering, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2008
  • CRE (Certified Reliability Engineer)
  • Engineer Intern (EIT), February 03, 2009
  • Lean Concepts Training February 5, 2010
  • Six Sigma Green Belt

Recent Publications

  • Coauthored with Wessels, W. (April 2015). Affordable Reliability Engineering: Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Sustainability & Logistical Support (p. 378). CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL

  • Sillivant, D., Gholston, S., & Wessels, W. (2011). Optimizing Availability Analysis using a Lean Six Sigma Process. Journal of Management & Engineering Integration, 4(2), 19-24.

  • Sillivant, D. (2015). Reliability Centered Maintenance Cost Modeling : Lost Opportunity Cost. RAMS 2015 Symposium, 106–110.

  • Sillivant, D., & Farrington, S. (2012). Determining the availability on a system of systems network. In Reliability and Maintainability Symposium 2012 (pp. 1 –5). Reno, Nevada. doi:10.1109/RAMS.2012.6175435

  • Farrington, S., Sillivant, D., & Sautter, C. (2011). Reliability Centered Maintenance as Applied to Wind Turbine Power Plants. In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2011. Denver, Colorado.

  • Sillivant, D. (2015). Using FMEA to Address Warranty Duration. Huntsville, Alabama: RAM VIII Training Summit

  • Sillivant, D. (2015). Increase Data Availability and Reduce Logistical Support Cost Through Maintenance Management Information Systems. Vienna, Austria: Science and Technology Conference 2015

  • Sillivant, D. (2014). Stress Directed Maintenance. Huntsville, Alabama: RAM VII Training Summit

  • Sillivant, D. (2013). Elements of Cost Modeling: Lost Opportunity Costs. Huntsville, Alabama: RAM6 Workshop

  • Sillivant, D., Hays, P., & Gholston, S. (2013). Applying Lean Six Sigma to Improve Safety in a Health Care Organization. Cocoa Beach, Florida: IEMS Conference.